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After dinner, Karina and Winter returned to the hotel so she could finally see where Winter lived.

They had also half-joked about having a sleepover. Winter sat in a chair by the window, her legs bouncing, while Karina sat on the bed.

"I need to tell you something, Karina, and I am scared to death to do it. Not only because of how you might react, but because I'll be breaking about ten federal insurrection and secrecy laws."

"Honey, just tell me and we'll work it out."

"Karina, I work for the CIA."

For a moment there was silence, and then Karina burst out laughing. But Winter still looked tense.

"Wait, are you serious? What, are you an analyst or something, like Jack Ryan? Do you work at a desk?"

"No, Karina. I am a field operator. I get sent to terrible places to take care of terrible people."

"Like Africa?"

"Like Africa." Winter handed her phone to Karina with an article on the BBC pulled up.


Assassination of Adan and top lieutenants reduces militia threat.

Residents describe "Angel of Death" soldier.

Karina set the phone on the bed, stunned.

"That was... that was you?"

Winter nodded.

"How many of you were there?"

"I was alone, Karina. That's what I do."

"So you blew those people up?" Karina asked.

Winter nodded. "I killed some more by hand, too. I'm... so, so sorry."

Karina rushed over and embraced Winter. "It's ok. I don't understand that world, but I understand you. I trust you. If it needed to be done, I know you'd do it. I read that article. Starving people are eating now because of you. How could I object? My girlfriend saved an entire city last week!"

"You also need to know that it is dangerous, and there might come a time that I don't come back, and you won't be told when or where, or even get my body back." Gingerly she lifted her shirt, revealing the stitches she received after getting stabbed. Karina touched them delicately with her finger and took a deep breath.

"I'm proud of you, and what you do. It must be awful, but you still do it because you are good at one thing."

"Killing?" Winter asked meekly.

"No," Karina said. "Protecting people."

"You... you always save me. Karina, I love you so, so much. But we need to have a couple of rules for your protection. First, you can never ask me where I'm going. Second, you can never ask about the missions. At all. Ever. You'll see more injuries, and we can talk about them, but not how or where I got them. After all that, are you sure you want to stay? I won't blame you if -"

Karina grabbed Winter's face and kissed her deeply. Then she took Winter by the hand and led her to the bed.

Winter winced in pain. "Ouch! Whatever we do, we gotta remember my stitches!"

"I'm sleeping with The Angel of Death. You might need new stitches in the morning, babe," Karina winked.

. . . . .

In the darkness, Winter went to flip over in bed and felt hands restraining her. Every muscle tensed. She was instantly ready to fight.

"Are you ok, baby?" Karina yawned. Then Winter realized it. Karina was holding her, spooning her.

It was the first time in a decade that she'd ever been held by another person. Not since Well had wrapped her in his arms to keep her warm and safe.

Gradually her breathing slowed and her muscles relaxed. She held on tight to Karina's arm and kissed it before falling back to sleep.

. . . . .

The next morning the two women were having coffee in the room. Both looked a bit worn out.

Winter suddenly dug in her front pocket and took out a crumpled piece of paper.

"Do you know how banks work?" Winter asked.

Karina smiled. "Of course. Don't you have one?" She was starting to get used to Winter's questions about how the ordinary world worked.

"No. I don't need them. But they gave me this thing and I don't know what to do with it. I don't want to bother with banks, so I was just going to throw it away. But then I thought that you might have a good use for it. Maybe to help you with your music, like go to a studio. So please, just take it." She slid the piece of paper across the table. Karina unfolded it.

It was a check from "Import-Export Services of Zurich."

It was a check to Winter. For $100,000.

Karina's eyes brimmed with tears. "You grew up with nothing, Winter. And whatever you do have, you're willing to give away. I can't even understand such generosity. But I can't take this, Winter. This is for what you do. If you get more of these, you'll be able to retire so young. Then you can be a stay-at-home wife and wear skimpy clothes when I get home from work." She blushed and giggled.

"Really, Karina, just take it. It's not a loan or a gift. It's for you. It belongs to you because I belong to you."

Karina's eyes watered. "How about we open a joint - that means shared - account. I'll deposit the money, and you'll be able to check on it or take it out any time you want."

Winter smiled. "That would be so nice. What do we do next?"

However much I earn, I hope she uses it to live a good life after I'm killed.

Arkangel || A Winter / Karina / WinRina AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now