Chapter 18 - Yasmin

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Back at the hotel Linny fell asleep. She was sleeping hard because I dropped my brush on the floor and she didn't wake up. I laid down next to her, put on my glasses and started reading my book. A while later it had gotten dark, the door opened quietly and Finneas walked inside. He looked tired as well. He took his shoes off and headed to the other bed. He looked at me.
- Hey.
He said.
- Hey, how was it?
He shrugged.
- I went home early. They decided they wanted to go to a restaurant again. I didn't feel like going.
I nodded. He looked at Linny.
- She fell asleep right after we got here.
He nodded.
- Is she okay?
I looked at him.
- Yes.
I turned the page on my book.

Finneas was lying on the other bed looking at his phone. His eyes were twitching. Sometimes she snuck a peak at Linny. I pretended I didn't notice him. I laid my book on the bedside table and looked at Finneas. He noticed me watching him and looked back.
- What's up?
He asked and stretched his arms above his head.
- Can I ask you something?
- Ask away.
I tried to make my question as nice a possible.
- Earlier, at breakfast. You got offended by me asking about your dad.
He looked at his hands.
- I didn't mean to offend you, Finneas.
He looked at me.
- You didn't know. It was me, I reacted badly. I should have asked you to stop politely, instead of being an ass. It's just that, talking about my dad, makes my blood literally boil. He left my mom when she got sick. He said he couldn't handle seeing her.
I didn't say anything. I just looked at him.
- I'm so mad at him. So, so mad. How he could just leave her.
- Leave you both.
I said. He looked at me.
- Yeah.
- I get it's hard for you. I get it. My real dad left my mom right as she got pregnant with me. The only contact I have with him is on Christmas when I get 20 dollars and I postcard saying that he misses me. So yeah, I get it.
I looked down at my feet. Fidgeting with them.
- I'm sorry Yasmin.
- It's not your fault your dad's an ass.
He smiled and I laughed.
- I'm afraid I am like him.
He said looking at Linny.
- You're nothing like your dad Finn. You take care of your mom through these hell times. You will never be like him. And if you do, I'll kick your ass. You're a good guy towards Linny too.
He looked at me. I smirked.
- You know?
I nodded trying not to laugh.
- I've know for ages. You guys are so obvious. It's not even funny.
He cringed.
- But, you can't tell Josh.
- Relax. I realized that if Linny didn't even tell me, she must definitely not want Josh to know.
We sat quietly for a while.
- You make her happy. She really loves you. She's always done. Just try to keep making her happy, don't make her unhappy just because you're having a shitty day.
He looked at me.
- Linny told you?
I shook my head.
- No, but I figured something had happened between you guys after breakfast. I blamed myself for that.
- I'm such an asshole.
I nodded.
- And talking and laughing with that girl didn't make her feel any better, might I add.
He looked so mad at himself.
- Shit. I didn't think so. I was just upset.
- A little too upset maybe at the people around you?
He nodded.
- You'll make things right with her tomorrow. She'll forgive you. If I know her she's already done it in her dreams.
I smiled. He forced a smile.
- Just work on not making it a habit, making her day shit just because yours is.

The next day I woke up and saw Linny sneaking in to the bathroom. Finneas was asleep and so was Josh. He had come home late last night. I had started to worry about him. Finneas' alarm went off and woke him up. He yawned and looked over at my bed at Linny who wasn't there. I pointed at the bathroom door and he nodded. Then he went up and went up to the door and knocked on it. Linny answered and opened it. She looked at him and he looked at her. Then she looked at me. I was just smiling like a little kid. She rolled her eyes and took Finneas hand and walked into the bathroom.

They talked for 20 minutes until they finally came out hand in hand. Finneas kissed Linny on the cheek. Josh snored over by the other bed. We all laughed. Linny ran up to his bed and attacked him. He woke up violently and started defending himself.
- Linny! I swear I'll hide 10 alarms in your room when we get home!
- You don't even have that many.
- I'll buy them.
She grimaced at him and he smacked her with a pillow. She laughed and called Finn over to help her wake him up. Finneas came up to Josh with a glass of water and poured it all over him. Josh quickly jumped out of bed and began fighting Finneas. Finneas laughed so hard that he couldn't get up from the floor where Josh had pushed him. I laughed too. Linny looked over at me and smiled. It looked like they figured things out.

We all got dressed and decided to go out and eat breakfast today. We found a cute breakfast bar and went in and ordered. I got an egg toast and a cup of coffee with a splash of milk in it. As usual. We sat down and talked about how we would have a party before the boys left for college and school started. We would invite a couple of people from school, nothing too big and fancy. Just a simple going back to school thing. Josh said that he could make his parents go away for a weekend and make up and have plenty of time having a party and then cleaning up. Avoiding him getting grounded again he said.

After breakfast we went to Central Park and sat down on a park bench and ate ice cream. Watching people pass us by. I found it calming watching people do normal daily things.
- So, we're going home in 2 days. What do you guys wanna do?
Josh asked us. Linny licked her ice cream and looked at Finneas. He gave her a look.
- I thought me and Yasmin could go out alone tomorrow.
Meaning her and Finneas. While I go and do a little shopping spree.
- Are you sure? You'll get lost or something Linny.
He put his sunglasses on his head. And squinted at Linny.
- No, I won't.
Josh nodded.
- You always get lost.
- I have Yasmin with me.
She looked at Finneas. Who smiled with his sunglasses on.
- Fine, just call if you need us to pick you up.
- Sure.
I said. I did feel kind of bad for Josh. He was the only one who didn't know about Linny and Finneas. I felt bad for him because his best friend was lying to him. And his sister. It just hit me that he was an outsider in this weird love drama.

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