Chapter 4 - One of them

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A couple of days later

I was at the mall with my friend Yasmin. We were looking at new bikinis to wear the last weeks before school started.
"You should get this one." She said holding a pink bikini in frost of me. I shook my head.
"Oh c'mon, it would look great on you. Plus pink is your color. There are not many girls who can pull off the color pink Linn." She tilted her head and pouted with her lips at me. 2 girls walked past us, they looked at us and then started laughing. Yasmin whispered in my ear:
"Here you have a perfect example of a girl who shouldn't wear pink."
"Yasmin!" I said quietly.
"What?" She said and we laughed.
"Fine, I'll try it on." I took the bikini from her and walked to the dressing rooms.
"Yes girl!" She shouted.
"This is the perfect bikini to get you know who's mouth to drop." She leaned against a wall inside the dressing room.
"Yasmin! I'm not wearing anything for a boy, and you know it." She rolled her eyes.
"Every girl wears clothes for their mans Linny. That's just a fact." I took off my bra and looked at her.
"He's not my "mans. And no-I don't wear anything for anyone." Yasmin looked at me and then at the bikini. I opened my mouth to say something when Yasmin interrupted.
"I'm just saying." Then we both laughed.
The bikini didn't fit me, but Yasmin told me to get another size but I told her I didn't even like the color. Then We left the store and walked into another. I ended up finding one bikini. It was mint green and had small daisys on it. It was the only one who fully felt like me when I tried it on. Yasmin clapped her hands in excitement, and then I bought it.

After that we went to a café and got bubba teas. Then we said goodbye and I went home. Yasmin was gonna meet her mom and shop more so I made my escape and went home. When I came home I went to my room and opened my bag and took out my bikini.
"I like it for me." I said holding it in front of me in the mirror. I heard the boys playing outside so I looked out my window. Finn looked more tan then we did a few days ago, and his hair was more bleached. The sun always did him good. I haven't tanned at all this summer. I didn't want to. Or felt like it I guess. Finn saw me looking out my window and waved me down stairs. I didn't hear him, but I read his lips: "Come down stairs?" When Finn asked me stuff, to come along or something, he always made it sound like a question other then an order, like my brother always did. I liked him making it up to me to come along or not.

I thought about it for a second. Then I gave him a thumbs up. I held my bikini again. No, we would probably play volleyball or something. It's not the best idea to have a bikini on for volleyball. Or should I have it just because to- No! I dropped the bikini on the floor and went to my drawer and took out my bathing suit. I put it on and walked downstairs.

I came outside and the boys were playing already.
"What took you so long?" Josh asked me. I ignored him and put my hair in a ponytail and jumped in the pool. I took the ball from Finn.
"Don't want her in my team, plus I'm better by myself." Josh said. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Then she's mine." Finn said and looked at me smirking. That sounded great coming from him. I nodded because the chance of a word coming out of my mouth right now wasn't possible. Then we started to play me and Finneas against Josh.

We won, it felt good. Then we stopped playing and sat down on the outdoor furniture with our towels and played cards til it got dark. Josh was surprisingly okay with me being with them. I was about to ask him why it was okay to sit here. But I didn't. I thought that if I asked him he would notice his sister and ask me to leave. Like when you are a kid and sat quietly on the sofa late at night so that your parents didn't notice that you were still awake and tell you to go to bed. That's exactly what it felt like. Finn noticed the weirdness too because he looked at me in a sertiant way and then at Josh. But he didn't say anything either.

This was a great night and I think all of us felt that. Because when we went to bed it was past midnight.
Finneas slept over and before we said goodnight he whispered in my ear:
"It was fun tonight." I smiled and then we went to sleep. I was happy, for I was one of them. Maybe only for tonight but it felt good anyway.

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