Chapter 6 - Travis

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When I came to the beach it was full of families and teenagers my own age. It was like 2 camps. It looked funny. Yasmin called me over from her spot near the water. She sat on a sun chair. A pink one might I add. Yasmin loved pink, she had always made pink her color. So whenever we were gonna choose colors between pink or purple, I got purple. Ever since that purple has been my power color. That's why I didn't wanna get the pink bikini. And I'll admit that I liked purple though. It was a calming color.

I went over to her and laid out my towel on the sand.
"Why can't you just buy a sun chair like me?" She said behind her sunglasses.
"I like the real experience." I said laughing.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She said with a smile on her lips.
"It means that lifestyle where you maybe don't use a sun chair because your mother thought it was unnecessary." She laughed. I took off my skirt, then I sat down and put on sunscreen over my legs. My sunglasses slid down my nose and that's when I saw him.
"Holy Moly." Yasmin said. I knew she also saw him. The hottest boy on the whole beach. "Geez, give me a piece of that."Yasmin said, clapping her hands together. I agreed. For the first time in my life I felt a strange urge to walk up and talk to a boy I've never met.
"He's really-"
"Good looking."Yasmin looked at me and smiled wide. He was tan and had brown wet hair that covered his forehead, gorgeous white teeth and may I say it? That body. God, he was really something. He was playing catch with his less hot friend. Yasmin and I weren't the only ones who saw him. All the girls around us whispered and giggled as they saw him toss the ball.

We watched him for a couple of minutes when I felt something cold on my shoulder. I looked over and saw a jellyfish. I stood up and screamed as loud as I could. Josh and Finn laughed hard. Josh fell to the ground. I felt the irritation twist my mind.
"You assholes!" I screamed at them. Then I took the jellyfish and threw it at him on the ground. He didn't stop laughing though. I looked at Finn and he had stopped. Then I turned around mad and sat down on my towel. He came up to me and held his hand on my shoulder.
"Sorry." He said, but I could hear the smirk on his lips as he said it. I didn't answer him. Then he grabbed my legs and carried me. I screamed and he just ran with me. I tried to hit him but I laughed. He took me to the water and tossed us both in. The water was hot, but I felt even hotter. When I came up to the surface, my cheeks were as red as a tomato and I could feel it. Finn grabbed my legs and came up right in front of me. His face was very close to mine and I could feel him breathing. I stopped laughing and just focused on swimming. And boy it was hard to keep myself above the surface. My legs felt like jelly. He took my arm around his neck.
"Easy there, I'll help you." He must have realized that I couldn't swim very well at this moment. I felt my heart beating faster. I needed this moment to end before I did something stupid. His lips leaned into mine and he was staring into my eyes.
"Hey, guys throw the ball back!" I heard someone say. Then Finn's face disappeared from mine. He looked at a guy.
"Yeah sure." He said and picked up the ball. He threw it hard and didn't look at the guy when he did it. I had to catch my breath, so I started to walk up to the beach again. Then the guy came up to me.
"You wanna play?" I looked confused at him. It was the hot boy's friend. I looked over at Finn who came up behind me.
"Your boyfriend can come too." He said looking over at Finn.
"She's not my girlfriend." Finn said. Ouch that felt. But I didn't want it to get to me so I said:
"It's on."

Finn didn't wanna join so he went up and sat down at some chairs with Josh. I called over Yasmin, and she was delighted to join. She winked at me and then the game was on. I threw the ball over to the hot guy. He smiled at me.
"Nice one blondie." I felt confident. My eyes could have just had hearts as pupils at this moment. It wouldn't have made any difference. Yasmin gave me a look. I knew exactly what it meant. We played for about an hour or so until we were tired.
"You girls want a beer?" I've never had a bear, but I didn't want him to know that.
"Sure." I said calm. Yasmin looked at me.
"I don't know." She said and took a bear from the guy.
"So what's your name?" The hot guy asked me.
"Linn, or Linnéa really." I sat down at a towel by the hot guy's place.
"Nice name, I'm Travis." Man, could he be even more perfect.
"Nice to meet you." I said politely and he said likewise. Then we sat there drinking beer until it got dark. I had totally forgotten about Finn and Josh sitting over at our old place. But it hit me when they came over to us. Finn sat across from me at some log and Josh next to Yasmin.
"I didn't know you drinked Linn." Finneas said.
"There is a lot you don't know about me." I said. I took a sip. I could feel the alcohol intoxicate me. Josh didn't care about me drinking, he just started talking to Yasmin. And- he was flirting?! Oh no, not my best friend you asshole. I stood up to confront him, but then Finn grabbed my leg and sat me down next to him.
"Chill." He said. Taking my beer out of my hand.
"Hey! That's mine!" He didn't care, he just looked at Travis. Then Travis looked at Finneas. I was scared. It looked like Finn was already drunk when he came over here. And he was looking for a fight.
"Hey." I said looking at Finneas.
"You wanna come and look at the water with me?" He didn't look at me, just stared at Travis.
"Sure." Then he put the beer beside him.
"Let's go."
"Where are you guys going?" Josh asked.
"To drink water." I said. Then we just left.

The water was still warm. My cheeks felt warm. But this time from the beer.
"Who's him?" I looked at him.
"You know who." He threw a rock on the water.
"His name is Travis, and we just met. He's nice." I sat down on the sand. Then Finn looked at me.
"I don't like him. He gives me bad vibes." I rolled my eyes.
"Just because." He looked away.
"Then you can think that, but I don't."
"I told you I don't like you drinking." I rolled my eyes again.
"You drink too."
"Yeah but I'm a guy, I can tolerate more." I stood up.
"Oh just because you're a guy, you're allowed to drink more than me?" He looked at me.
"You're just not used to it." I looked away.
"You can't tell me what to do." He smirked at me.
"I'm serious, Finn! I'm not a kid anymore." He smiled.
"I know." He looked intensely at me, and it made me uncomfortable.
"We should go back." I said cold. Finneas didn't answer me. He just started walking when I did.

We sat at the beach drinking and singing. It was fun, I've never done anything like this before. It felt nice. Travis gave me some looks here and there. It gave me butterflies everytime. Finneas just sat there fidgeting with his beer can. After some time Yasmin and I took our bikes home home. I told Finn not to drive and he promised me he'll walk home. I waved all of them goodbye and then it was over.
The grownup feeling, totally gone when I came home. I knew Josh's bullying about me being a kid would come back the next day.

I fell asleep quickly that night, dreaming about oceans, beaches and Finneas.

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