Chapter 10 - 3 days into it

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Everything had happened so fast. Finneas and I were head over heels for each other.

We were 3 days into our relationship that wasn't confirmed to be anything boyfriend and girlfiendly. Just us two making out, watching movies together and just talking.

We were in my room. I sat by my desk looking at after school activities. And Finn were sitting on my bed looking at his phone. I turned around to look at him.
- You feel like getting something to eat?
I said. He looked up from his phone.
- Yeah, I can go downstairs and make something.
He said placing his phone on my bed and sitting up.
- No, I mean- like go out to eat.
I said. He looked at me.
- Yeah, you know we can't let people see us. Especially not Josh.
He said looking kindly at me. I sighed.
- Are you sure he will mind, I mean he's your friend and my brother. If we're happy then won't he be that we are?
- It's not that simple Linn.
I turned around to my computer again. I looked at a football team that was new this year. It looked interesting. Finn came up behind me hugging me.
- I'm sorry it is like this. But it's just for now.
I took my hands on his and looked up at him. Then he placed a kiss on my lips and I smiled.
- Yeah I know.
I said.

Later that day we were in the hallway saying goodbye to each other. Finneas held my hand and we kissed goodbye.
- Bye.
I said. He kissed me again.
- Goodbye.
He said smirking. I smiled back and then he left.

I went to the kitchen and called Yasmin.
- Hi girl.
She said.
- Hey, you wanna come over?

Yasmin came over and she knew I had to tell her something.
- Linny if you don't tell me what's up I'm gonna destroy your life.
I sighed.
- So- I've been keeping this a secret for some time now. Because we didn't want Josh to find out. But I don't know why I felt like I couldn't tell you, but-
Yasmin was shocked.
- You kissed Finneas?!
I smiled then shushed her.
- Not so loud. Josh can be home any minute.
- He's not here now! Oh my god Linny!
She hugged me and squealed.
- Is he madly in love with you?
She asked me smiling wide. I laughed.
- I mean, I think so. It was just so sudden. We were in the pool-
- The pool?!
- shhh, yeah the pool. And he told me all of these things about me, how he had been feeling this for me for a while and how beautiful and great I am.
Yasmin looked at me smiling and looking like she was about to explode.
- And we kissed...
I said looking like a shy little girl. Yasmin clapped her hands.
- Honestly. Finally! It was about time you guys told each other how you felt.
Yasmin said. I rolled my eyes.
- Like I knew that he felt that way.
I said sarcastically.
- Linn, all summer he's been crazy about you. Giving you looks that only boys who love you do, and saying things and even treating you differently than before.
She said.

She was right. He had been different. But I still didn't think it could be true. Not in a million years. I was always something wrong, that he didn't want. But I guess a lot of those "wrong" things were things I made up too.

Yasmin and I talked about the last three days. And in the end she didn't look as excited about us.
- Linn...
She sighed.
- I know that you want this with all your heart. It's just- well I want him to deserve you. Not you feeling like you are the luckiest girl alive because you got him. And it seems to me that he did not take this whole new step with you guys seriously.
She looked down at the floor. I didn't say anything.
- I mean. He won't tell Josh or even people about you. And it all happened so fast. Are you sure he's serious about this?
She asked me, trying to look for any reaction from me that would be hurt or mad.
- I know. But you don't know him like I do. And he really meant it.
I said looking at her, trying to not look upset.
- I know, I just- I want him to know how great you are. And not just some casual summer fling that he can hook up with whenever he wants to just because it suits him. You are not just any girl. You are his brother's best friend, and he has known you more than any other girl. This is realer than any other relationship he's ever had.
I smiled at her. Her words made me warm inside. I went up to her and hugged her.
- Thank you.
I said short. She hugged me back harder.
- You know it girl. I'm here for you, and if that boy breaks your heart. I'm gonna break his-
- Yasmin!
She laughed.

After some time Yasmin went home. And after our little chat I thought about what she said.

I went up to my room and took a nap. When I woke up I heard someone talk downstairs. I went up to my door and opened it to listen.

It was Finneas and Josh.

I quickly brushed my hair and fixed myself before I went downstairs.
- Hi.
I said. They turned to me. Finneas smiled.
- Hey.
He said. I went past him and I could feel his fingertips touch my arm. I walked to the kitchen and took out a bottle of water.
- You wanna play a game on the PlayStation?
Josh said to Finn. Finn looked at me as I took a sip.
- Uh, shouldn't we go somewhere. All of us? You can bring Yasmin, Linny.
- Yeah sure, sounds fun!
I said. Finn smiled and Josh nodded.
- Sure, what you guys wanna do?
I shrugged.
- I don't know?
- You wanna go to the beach?
Finn said turned to me.
- Yes! I'm gonna go get ready, you guys go get packed too!
I said running upstairs.

I put on a bikini and packed my beach bag with sunscreen, sunglasses and a towel. I had shorts and a t-shirt over my bikini. Then I went downstairs. The guys stood in the hallway ready to go.
- You called Yasmin?
Josh asked.
- No, I'm gonna do it now!

Then we went out to the car. I called Yasmin and she said she wanted to come. We picked her up and then we went to the beach.

There was not as many people there now. A lot of tourists had left and gone back to New York and other places. Back to work and life. While we had the whole beach almost to our selves. 

We laid down our towels on the sand and sat down.
- You guys want a beer?
Yasmin asked clinking bottles together from her bag.
- Sweet!
Josh said grabbing one from her.
- Well, I guess I'm driving then.
Finn said passing on the offer. I smiled at him. Yasmin rolled her eyes at me and I made an angry face as for her to not be noticeable.

We sat there just having a great time. Going down to the water and dipping our feet. Finneas picked me up and swung me into the water. I dragged him down with me. Under the water I took him to me and kissed him.

Finneas and Josh started a fire. And we took on our clothes. It was getting colder when it became darker. I shivered, Finn saw it and gave me his sweater.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
I said looking at him. He looked happy. I was happy too.

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