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Venus and Gohan had just returned from a long morning of shopping.
They had asked Piccolo if he could watch Pan for them while they went out.

When they returned they met up with Piccolo in front of Capsule Corporation, who was currently holding Pan in his arms.

Venus dropped the bags on the ground and ran up to them, grabbing Pan from Piccolo's arms, "Hi my love," she baby talked to her.

"Did you have fun with your grandpa Piccolo?" Venus held her up.

Piccolo raised his eyebrows at her, "You're more of her grandfather than her actual grandfathers. They're never here anymore," Venus held Pan on her hip.

Before walking through the door, Venus and Piccolo jumped and whipped their heads in the opposite direction. "What the hell is that?" Piccolo asked.

"What?" Gohan looked between Venus and Piccolo. "You clearly need to pay better attention Gohan!" Piccolo raised his voice.

"It's bad energy," Venus lowered her head.

Gohan tilted his head and focused on the energy more, "Oh yeah now I feel it."

"The energy feels familiar too," Venus exchanged a look of confusion with Gohan and Piccolo. She looked at Pan in her arms and looked down, "You two go check it out first. I'm gonna ask my mom or grandma if they can watch Pan. I'll catch up with you two."

They both nodded, "Okay. See you soon," Gohan kissed Pan's forehead and quickly pecked Venus on the lips.

The two flew off and Venus headed over to the main house to see if her mom was there. She entered her bedroom with Pan in her arms, "Mom, can you watch Pan?"

"Of course. What's wrong?"

"We sensed a negative energy just now. We were gonna go check it out," she handed Pan to Bulma.

"Where's Trunks? I think we're gonna need him too."

"He's in his room with Goten playing video games," Bulma pointed to her left with her head, "but don't take them, you know how cocky those two get. Do you want me to call your father and Goku?"

Venus paused, "Um, I think we'll check it out first and I'll call you if we do need their help."

She kissed Pan's forehead, "I'll be back. I promise."

Venus headed out and knocked on Trunks's door anyway, "Trunks, Goten, get out now." Trunks opened the door, "You felt it too?"

"Yeah let's go. Mom told me not to tell you guys but this feels like it's serious."

The three flew off towards the direction they felt the energy, "Gohan and Piccolo are on their way as well. You guys still remember how to do fusion right?"

"Duh," Trunks said confidently. Goten looked down, "I don't know if I still remember."

Venus stopped flying and Trunks and Goten immediately paused, she sighed, "Well let's practice first."

They all lowered themselves onto the ground. Venus crossed her arms, "Get into position."

The two stood on opposite sides, "Hold your arms out Goten. Remember you two have to be completely in sync to each other."

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