Chapter 7

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Korah is asleep, so I'm re-wrapping Shire's injuries with bandages from a first aid kit I found in a supply closet. His leg is doing better, the swelling has gone down. He has a couple cuts and bruises on his left arm so I wrap that too so they don't get infected. It's a little awkward with the deafening silence and everything that happened in the past 2 days, so I try to make some small talk.

"I'm sorry." Are the first thing that leaves my mouth, before I can think of what to say.

'Okay. Not what I had in mind, but whatever.' I think to myself.

"For what? You have nothing to apologize for." He says.

"If I hadn't pushed you for this job, we wouldn't be in this mess. And if I hadn't been grilling you about Mir, we might have been a little more focused." I responded almost immediately.

"Hey. It's not your fault. If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't be. And you were right, I wasn't telling you everything about what happened with Mir, it's just hard to talk about." He says.

I wait a beat before saying anything, "Well, I'm here to listen whenever you're ready. I would like to know though so I can help. You looked really scared when we met her back in Xeer." I say finally. He looks me in the eyes and starts tearing up.

"Are you okay? Are the bandages too tight?" I ask, his only response being a small chuckle as he looks back at the floor. "What? What is so funny to you that you feel like laughing right now?" I ask again. Now I'm starting to laugh. This whole situation is so ridiculous, it's hard not to laugh at.

"I- I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you. This is so incredibly funny and stressful at the same time that- if I stop laughing, I'm not sure what to do with myself." He says in between laughing. He looks genuinely happy for the first time in a long, long time. Suddenly he stops laughing.

"Hey, why don't you just blow the door down? To my knowledge, it's pretty easy for you to just blow shit up." He says to me, that one sentence making me notice just how stupid I've been.

"GODS! What the hell?! Why didn't I do that before? We've been stuck in here for days and I could've gotten us out in a matter of seconds." I say out loud. I don't understand what happened until I hear Shire laughing at me. After he calms down, I finish wrapping him up and stand up calmly. I slowly walk over to where Korah is sleeping and bend down to gently shake their shoulder.

"Hey, wake up." They slowly open their eyes and groan a little bit out of sleepiness. They stretch their arms over their head before saying in a deeper sleep-ridden voice, "What's going on?"

I calmly respond with only a few words while standing back up in front of them.

"We're getting out of this hell-hole." 


Sorry this one is so short. I've been going through alot and been going through some writers block

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