Chapter 5

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I hear a knock on the door and see my father get up to answer it.

"Thank you for coming so soon." I hear him say, gesturing inside and stepping out of the way. A man and a woman come inside wearing identical suits and dark sunglasses. The woman is tall with her blonde hair slicked back into a bun, and a very serious look on her face. The man walks in behind her and looks the same, only his hair is cropped short and black. The woman walks over to me and crouches down to my level. She takes off her sunglasses and speaks to me.

"Hey there, little lady. How're you?" She asks. She has a thick southern accent, like my mother used to have. "I'm good" I say with a smile,"Why are you here?" I ask. They are strangers. My father never let anyone he didn't know into the house. She answers my question by opening her arms like she wanted a hug. I look at my father and see him watching us, nodding at me with approval. I hesitantly go to her, latching my arms around her neck when she starts to pick me up. My father whispers something to the man, and he nods. Then the man nods to the woman holding me. Suddenly, the man is being handed bags by my father, and the woman is putting me in a black SUV outside.

"Where am I going?" I ask. I never get an actual answer to that question. The woman disappears for a quick second while I can hear the man putting things in the back. "Where are you taking me?" I ask again. I'm starting to panic, I can feel my heart in my throat. I try to look into the back, making eye contact with a small boy in the process, when I feel a sudden, sharp jab in my arm. I whip my head around to see what happened and see the woman from before taking a needle out of my arm. I start to feel woozy and my vision starts to darken. Then I hear the man speak one, and only one word.


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