Chapter 20: Private dance lessons and unveiled fears

Start from the beginning

You fumble a couple of the last steps and timings and it annoys you, so you start again. Tom watches you, his thumb over his lip and he leans up off of his desk and comes over to you, putting his hands back on your waist, one of them going up to your back and pressing it, making you have better posture.

"I've got an idea. A little game that might help you learn faster." He whispers softly to you, his voice kind and understanding with a soft curious lilt to it.

"Oh really? And what's the game?" You say raising an eyebrow, it wasn't like Tom to be playful like this, so it piqued your curiosity.

"For every...misstep...we have to...remove an item of clothing." He whispers in your with a smirk, his hands tight on your waist, his tone salacious and flirty. Your eyes widen and you shake your head, laughing a little at his suggestion.

"Tom it's freezing in the dorms. I'm cold enough as it is... and I'm struggling to remember the steps already...I definitely won't remember them any better if I'm freezing too." You say with a giggle.

"Exactly, the colder you are, the faster you'll want to move and the more you'll want to listen to me... and let me hold you closer..." He whispers biting his lip and you can tell he truly has lost interest in teaching you to dance now, his eyes glazing over in the way you had come to understand that his brain wasn't the thing he was thinking with.

"Tom! That really doesn't sound like I'd actually learn anything... and it really doesn't sound fun." You say with a giggle and playfully hit him.

"No? Are you sure you don't want to play? It could be fun...very fun indeed." He whispers into your ear with a grin, his hands around your waist tighter, pulling you in closer. His fingers stroking your lower back in a way and side that makes your breath nearly hitch.

"For you." You say with a little eye roll and smile.

"Of course for me...I can dance perfectly well so I'll be fully clothed and warm... but you..." He stops talking, his eyes looking you up and down, a hungry look on his face. You roll your eyes at him.

"We're not playing that game. In fact, we're not doing anything like that until I get this right." You say firmly and he tilts his head at your firm, commanding tone. You wave your hand at him to resume the first position and he grumbles in his throat a little but does as you ask.

"I still think you'd concentrate better if you weren't wearing...these tights...if your legs were colder you might...move more..." His hand running up your thigh, pushing your skirt up a little and you push his hand away and he throws his head back in a small tantrum.

"Tom! Focus!"

"You try focusing when you look like this. Your legs look so beautiful in heels." He whispers in your ear, a deep roughness to his voice that makes it hard for you not to blush or give in to his flirtatious behaviour.

"Well seeing as we're taking a little break...I have something I need to tell you about the Ball." Tom says to you, his face not really telling you if it's a good or bad thing.

"Oh okay... what is it?" You ask, a little nervously.

"Snape has asked me to represent Slytherin in the opening dance. As my date, I want you to dance the opening with me as well as the rest of the evening but... I get if you don't want to... I can ask one of the Slytherin prefects to do it for me and I have to ask you about it."

You swallow nervously as he says this to you. You mull over what he says, trying to figure out what you want to do. The opening dance in front of everyone, where they could all watch you mess up.

"Okay.... Okay... no... I'll do it." You say slowly, your confidence and determination growing.

"That would mean practicing here late at night as often as possible until we've got them both learned perfectly."

Love & Potions: A Tom Riddle X Reader Story. Part 2 (Fifth Year)Where stories live. Discover now