3. Hang out in the boys dorm.

Start from the beginning

"My sister, anyway thanks for your time Jen I need to hang up now because I'm not alone."

"Okay see you soon, little sister. Byeee!"

/phone call ends/

"Can you give me a heads up next time before barging in on my private phonecall?" Kaylee said in annoyance.

"Yeah? Should I make an announcement over the speakers next time so you know?" Danielle answered back sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Then how else am I supposed to know I'm interrupting you?"

"I don't know- but let's say you were having a private moment, what if I walked in on you?"

"Look, I didn't mean to seem nosy or whatever. And about that..we could..leave a sign on the door? So we know not to interrupt next time? I've seen it in movies."

"What sign?"

"How about our ties? If there's a tie on the door then that means not to come in straight away."

"Okay that could work."

"Perfect. Anyway, how was your first day? How many people made fun of you?" Danielle sat across on her bed, crossing her legs.

"No one, actually. Just you."

"Really? Well, that's convenient."

"Yeah? Are you running out of things to do other than making out?"

"Excuse me?"

"Uh- forget I said that."

"No, speak up. It's a free country. How did you know I was kissing someone?"

Kaylee hesitated. She didn't mean to let it slip up.

"Well, I.....I....assumed."

"I thought I was the one with the random assumptions, turns out you're doing the same."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did it."

"Why does it matter? At least I made it to a few classes."

"Oh, did you now?" Kaylee tried to put on a thinking face, she was highly doubting that her roommate was in any classes this morning.

"I was. Business is no joke dude."

"You're studying business?"

"Ding ding." Danielle threw a pillow at Kaylee unexpectedly but the girl caught it in her hands with a laugh. At least, for once, they were making actual conversation.

"I'm studying Programming."

"That explains how you're such a massive dork and carry your computer everywhere."

"Yeah I guess so- anyway, I wanted to ask about your na..."

Just before Kaylee was about to finish her sentence Danielle was off to the bathroom not really bothering to finish their conversation at this point. Apparently she was getting ready for another night out. Kaylee sighed and decided to read a book. Not long after, she heard a knock at their door.


"Hey there. Is Dani inside?"


There at the door stood a blond boy, looking familiar as ever. Kaylee froze slightly, so she did have to find out about her roommate's name in that way. So be it.

"Yes, Danielle? Duh?"

"Oh- right. Wait, who's asking for her?"

"I'm Leo, sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm staying over at 102, we were wondering if you wanted to hang out in our room."

"Both of us?"

"Yeah, why the hell not?"

"Say yes."

Kaylee jumped over how surprised she was to find Danielle whispering in her ear. She hadn't noticed she was out of the bathroom already.

"Umm- I was actually reading.."

"Oh god. You're coming with us."


"No buts."

Danielle shook her head in complete denial, she shouldn't let her roommate spend another night alone when she was supposed to be making friends. Dragging Kaylee by her hand, Danielle followed the boy to his room and greeted everyone once she was inside. Kaylee was purely frozen, she hated how Danielle was such a control freak and brought her here without her will. At least, this time she could keep an eye on her regarding her alcohol consumption and hoped she wouldn't have to witness another unnecessary making out session.

Heat in the dorm - Daylee Where stories live. Discover now