⭐ Without You ⭐

Start from the beginning

Quake: Enjoy your breakfast guys. We will be right back.

Solar: *Sweatdrops*

And he pulls Solar out of the room while Ice and Blaze get settled on the chairs and start eating.

Cyclone: What happened? Why is your face tanned, Ice?

Ice: Someone shined The 'sun' to brightly to my face this morning.

Blaze: I-I guess Solar meant that the morning sun is realllly good~

Everyone glares at Blaze.

Thunderstorm: It's not funny.

Thorn: Blaze? What about you? Why are you burnt??

Blaze: Well....

Ice: Solar used his powers on him for being very naughty. Also, he was too close to him.

Thunderstorm: You deserved it.

Blaze: You are NOT funny!

Cyclone and Thorn: he is right.
Blaze: Come on guyzzzz....


Quake knew what Solar did to Blaze and Ice and was 'lecturing' him.

Quake: Why are you always like this? If you don't want to do work just don't do it!

Solar: But- Thunderstorm was the one who sent me!!

Quake: Whatever! If you didn't want to you could have told him 'no'

Solar: But he didn't give me a chance!

Quake: Solar, you shouldn't use your powers like this...*sigh* I know that Ice and Blaze are the hardest ones to wake up but, you could have tried a different way.

Solar: So, you are still thinking it's my mistake!?

Quake: N-No Wait-

Solar: Fine. I'm sorry. Are you happy now!? And I also will apologise to Ice and Blaze!

Before Quake said Something Solar immediately walks up to the room halfly opens the door and tells out-

Solar: Ice and Blaze...I'm so sorry for the thing I have done to you in the morning.

And all were found dumbstruck and Solar immediately slams the door harshly and hastily rushes back to his room in anger-

Quake: W-Wait! Aren't you gonna have breakfast??

Solar: I'm not hungry anymore!

Quake: ....

And Quake slowly opens the door and comes in and sits next to Ice and opposite to Thunderstorm while all were looking at him-

Thorn: What did you do to Solar? Is he okay...?

Quake: N-Nothing. I just told him that what he did with Ice and Blaze was wrong and-

Blaze: So that's why he said sorry to us? You know what? He shouldn't have because it was fun!

Thunderstorm: Why the F*ck would you say it's fun when he literally burnt you.

Blaze: Heheh...

Quake makes a sound with his fork on the table and he was mad again.

Quake: If you ever say that word again- I swear I'm gonna stab you with this fork!

Thunderstorm: Sorry.

After that, instead of eating his breakfast Quake was thinking about Solar, maybe he shouldn't have been that harsh on him-

Outside of the Power Watch-

Amato: Boboiboy! I'm so bored! What are we gonna do..?

Boboiboy: Well...How about we just go out and talk?

Amato: I have been to that place a lot of times and I'm bored of it.

Boboiboy: Then what will we do?

Amato: Hey! What about I can practice my silat with your elementals??

Boboiboy: Eh? Amato? Since when have you become good friends with them and why do you wanna-

Amato: Please? Pretty please? Your powers are awesome and so do your elements too! I saw you training with them!

Boboiboy: *Sighs* Fine. But today is Sunday and...I have told them to rest so-

Amato: Please ask them too! I'm so bored that I can't take it!!

Boboiboy: O...Kay ...? But what about your-

Amato: My parents? They are fine with it ...And a few days ago, Solar spilled your truth of having these powers to them-

Boboiboy: What!?

Amato: Don't worry, my dad was completely fine with it while my mom was a bit shocked to see your split sides!

Boboiboy: I'm gonna kill that-

Amato: ooh?? If you wanna kill him can you call others out with him too...?

Boboiboy: Ugh...Come on Amato I-

Amato: If you don't. I'm not gonna help you find your way back-

Boboiboy: I-I was gonna say okay

Amato: Go on.


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