⭐ Meet Mr. Balloon Phobia ⭐

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It was time since Amato had known that Boboiboy had Globophobia and had been yanked out by thunderstorm. (You want to know how it had happened?)

It was Sunday and as usual Amato got up late. And Boboiboy just woke up as well and was getting down the ladder.

And Mechabot was ominously flying over Amato's face. He was getting impatient for constantly blocking his view.


And smacked Mechabot with a pillow. Mechabot went crashing to the wall. "Hey! My balloon!" Exclaimed Mechabot and went to catch his balloon.

"Hey, where did you get that balloon from?" Amato asked.

The word 'balloon' triggered Boboiboy's shocked and alert emotion.


Amato and Mechabot shifted their attention to Boboiboy who was still holding the ladder. "What happened?"

"Please! Whatever you do-DON'T -POP-IT!"

"Hey! Hey! Relax! We didn't pop it yet." Amato was comforting Boboiboy. And as usual Mechabot 'always want to bully someone' instinct came up and he found a needle to pop the balloon. "MECHABOT! DON'T YOU DARE DO IT!"

"Hey, Mecha! You know what Boboiboy said. Don't do it!" Amato was commanding Mechabot. But Mechabot didn't listen and Popped it.


Boboiboy got alerted by the sound and fell down on the floor. Amato just watched him fall and slammed Mechabot on his head, who was laughing. He thought it was funny but didn't know what was coming.

Boboiboy's eyes turned red and slammed Amato right on to the wall and smacked Mechabot with his thunder blade. It was Thunderstorm.

"What did I do?!" Screamed Amato who was upside down. His legs up and the head on the floor and sat up. But when he saw Mechabot, He was way more in worse condition. He crashed right through the desk.

"You broke my desk! Wait-uh?" Amato realized that what he was seeing now wasn't Boboiboy and it was visible that his personality and his dressing changed just now. Boboiboy wouldn't hurt them like that!

"It isn't you!"

"Tsk! Duh! Off course it wouldn't be him. Where there is destruction, I am the cause............Mostly."

Amato got up from where he was and before he spoke, he dusted himself off. "You sure wouldn't be Boboiboy. Why did you hit us?" asked Amato out of curiosity but was polite enough.

"You popped the balloon, so I hit you. I HATE balloons."

Amato scratched the back of his head in confusion. Why would he just 'smack' them when Mechabot popped a balloon? "But why?"

" I said because I HATE balloons!"

"You can't hit us just because You hate balloons, Boboiboy!"

"I am not Boboiboy. I have my own name! I am Thunderstorm!"

"Woah, Woah, Woah! You don't need to get angry!"

"Yep! I am Angry and I always will be angry!"

Amato was kind of 'okay let's be collaborative' he calms down and asks him more politely. "But there must a valid reason."

"I don't know. But I hate the sound when Balloons are popped. Much likely scared of it."

"You don't look like a typical scaredy cat." Amato whispers for himself.


"NO, NO, No! It was nothing! Hehe~" Amato said and gave a cute giggle.

Mechabot got up from the broken desk and flies next to Amato right over his head again. Amato sighed.

"Does my head look like a bird's nest to you?"

"No. And do you think I am a bird?"

"Duh. Because You fly."

"Off Course, I fly like a bird but I am a robot. A power sphera."

"Yeah. Yeah we all know that."

And there they go arguing again. Thunderstorm just closed his eyes and disappeared by changing back to the original one who wears orange.

"WHAT THE HELL, HAPPENED AGAIN!?" Amato exclaimed after his attention was shifted back to Boboiboy who anonymously changed back from Black and scarlet to Orange.

Boboiboy blinked at Amato innocently and realized what happened and he sweat drops-

"Hey, It's just me now."

"It's just you? Oh, Boboiboy?"

"Yep. Don't worry I won't hurt you now!"

Amato slammed his face.

"Now YOU tell me. What was all the changing thingy?!"

"Calm down. It's just a part of my power. That was Thunderstorm who you just met. He controls electricity and thunder. He has a separate personality that is being serious and angry and especially the one who doesn't like Balloons. I have Globophobia, You know?"

"What is Globophobia?" Amato asked innocently.

"what? Oh yeah! You are not much of a brainy type, right?"


"Sorry. It is just what Thunderstorm said."

"Oh. You know what? You should have warned me about all that stuff, Bro. Ah, never mind. I will be waiting for you downstairs."

Amato said to Boboiboy and left his room. While Boboiboy stood right there where he was standing and there was a visible smile on his face. "Did he just call me, 'bro'?"

---------------------------------------------------------Third Part of the story! I am still thinking what else the fourth part be like. Anyways! If you like the story, please don't forget to vote it! I'd be much happier to make more!

BoBoiBoy and Mechamato One shots!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat