⭐ Without You ⭐

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Here is an another sick fic. Just like Solar but here is Quake.

I know, I know the book is supposed to Be complete but...I have been getting these Oneshots ideas still...So I decided to add it in here.




As soon as the alarm rang, Quake got up from his bed and yelled at Thunderstorm get up who was sleeping right above on the upper bed.

Quake: Thunderstorm get up!

Thunderstorm stirs and moans, "Quake, today is Sunday it means no training....Let me just-"

Quake: *Deadpans* If you are not gonna wake up, I'm gonna beat the sh*t out of you.

Thunderstorm jolts and screams as he slipped on the ladder and fell down.


Quake: Get up and get ready. Also, try to wake up others and I'll go and prepare breakfast!

Quake walks out of the room to leave Thunderstorm alone as he sighs, "Why is he always like this...?"

He slowly gets up and after a few minutes he opens the door and closes it behind him.

He first walks to Solar's room and as he opens the door-

Thunderstorm: Hey, Lightbulb time to-

Solar: Wake up? I know...also I have to help you wake others up too.

Thunderstorm: Fine...I'll go wake up Cyclone and Thorn and you go-

Solar: Yeesh! Why do you always give me the hardest!?

Thunderstorm: I don't know. But I know that you are smart enough to wake them up...

Before even Solar said something Thunderstorm slams the door.

After some time, Thorn, Cyclone and Thunderstorm come in and wait at the table while Quake was still preparing the breakfast.

Quake: Hey Good morning you two.

Cyclone and Thorn: Good morning...*lazily*

Quake: Okay..? Someone seems to be that they are not much likely in mood.

Thorn: Quuuuaaake...Today is Sunday and there is no training! Boboiboy made it clear right...?

Quake: But, waking up early morning is good for health...

Solar: And yes...Quake is absolutely right...

Thorn: Oh really? What should I do when the morning sun is up? Photosynthesis?

Solar: *Deadpans*

Quake: Funny. Solar? Where are Blaze and Ice-Oooh my!

Quake dropped some plates as he saw Ice's face completely tanned and Blaze was half burnt and was coughing out smoke.

Quake immediately gives a glare at Thunderstorm and he jolts on his chair again and-

Thunderstorm: What!? You think I did this!? I sent Solar for waking those two up!!

Quake immediately puts in the breakfast on the table and grabs Solar by his collar and he smiles at the other.

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