I straightened up, pulling a fresh piece of parchment from my desk. Bringing my quill to the fresh sheet, my mind drew a blank. It was nearly impossible to answer him in a nice length without dragging on my sentences. A throbbing pain grew behind my eyes, I winced, bringing my fingers to my temples and rubbed them slowly.

Even though I had a pounding migraine from the stupidity behind these short useless letters, I wasn't in the mood to deal with his pestering and needed to write something so he would at least be pleased with the time frame in which I was sending him letters.


Lucky you, I didn't have a chance to eat pudding since I needed to write you. Mother didn't mind, she actually saved me a slice of the strawberry tart, I hope Blaise didn't get his grimy hands on it though. Also I do not appreciate the Didi slander, she's not used to sending this many letters in such a short span of time. I hope you decide to keep your room cleaner than it was last year, I know you shove all of your dirty clothes under your bed and just let them be until Mattheo starts to find your clothes under his bed because you have no more room under yours.

I can't wait to see you tomorrow, make sure you get to the station before me so we can at least have a compartment this year and not one of those tables with the rest of Slytherin. Don't complain because you know that if there are compartments taken everyone takes your threats more serious than they take me. The last thing I want to hear on the long ride to school is all the lies about how much everyone "enjoyed" their summer. I hope this year Potter doesn't buy the whole sweet trolley and I can finally have some jelly slugs.



There, that should do it. Turns out there was some things I could talk about, well, complain about. I learned from my mother at a young age that if there is nothing to talk about, just start complaining about things in your life.

"Didi, take your time okay? This is the last letter you will be sending for a while and when you get back a nice juicy mouse will be awaiting your arrival."

I pet her soft black feathers before placing my letter in her beak. She kept stretching her wings the entire time I was writing back to Theo, so the least I could do was give her a nice treat that normally Blaise would deal with since anything small that crawls freaks me out.

Didi flew into the night sky, faster than I have seen her these past few days. She was really eager to get that mouse, it made me smile to know that she was excited. I let out a long stretch, finally, I could have the rest of the night to rest and not have to walk around for a while with a cramped hand. That was until I saw the pile of clothes that were scattered across my floor.

UGH, can I please get a break.


Turns out it was easier than I thought to pack away everything I needed for school. I always forget about the perks that come with being a witch. Satisfied, I quickly got ready for bed, my eyes were too heavy to keep open any longer and within a moments time of my head hitting my pillow it suddenly was morning.

I can't remember the last time I slept that well and now it was the day I can see everyone, well, I can see Theo and Mattheo. It didn't take long for me to get ready as I already had placed out everything I would need to get ready for the day the night before.

The train was always a bit more chilly than it was outside so I made sure to wear a black knit jumper. I knew that once I got to school I would not want to change into my uniform, to make it easier on myself I dressed my entire bottom half in my uniform, only this time I hiked up my skirt. No one likes a long skirt with a big chunky sweater, at least I don't.

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