[62] hostiles and calamities

Start from the beginning

There was nothing but silence, with pissed me off even more. 

"Say something." I banged the door with my fist, causing it to echo loudly through the hall. "Say something!"

She was calm, "You should've never woken up, JJ."

My mind turned as I heard her heel clicking lessen as she got farther and farther away from the door. 

"What does that mean?" I stumbled to my feet. "Hey! The hell did you mean by that?!"

She didn't answer. 

"What did you mean, Katie?!"


JJ's anger was heard through the hall. A mix of her fist hitting the door and a variety of unpleasant language rang through the corridor. 

Katie crossed her arms as she updated Negan, "I don't think she had anything to do with letting him out."

He looked down to the cell, "She knows more than she's lettin' on. Let her stay in time-out till she decides to start talkin'." He leaned towards Katie, whispering, "I don't care how long it takes or how crazy she gets. She doesn't come out of that box until she talks."

Katie shifted her feet uncomfortably, "what did D know?"

Negan curled his lip, shaking his head, "nothin'. He's goin' out to look for Sherry."

"Think he'll find her?"

"He better. Either she's here, or she's dead. I won't accept another option."


Dwight went looking for Sherry. He knew where to start, but he also knew that she wasn't going to be there. She was long gone. Dwight reported back to Negan with news that Sherry was dead, and that he had been the one to put an end to her. 

Although Dwight confirmed with Negan that she was the one who helped Daryl escape, Negan still believe JJ to have had something to do with it. Or at least that's what his excuse was for keeping her there. The real reason was that he was pissed and keeping her there until she went mad was his way of getting back at Daryl for leaving.

As the days progressed, JJ became ill. Katie thought it was because her emotions got the best of her, Negan thought she was faking it to attempt an escape, but Eugene, who'd overheard the conversation, insisted that someone help the girl. 

"JJ, we're letting you out so the doc can check you out. If you try anything, and I mean, anything, I will shut that shit down." Negan warned before the door opened to JJ laying on the floor, seemingly paralyzed. When Negan saw how weak she'd become, he was more in favor of letting the doctor make sure whatever illness she had wasn't contagious. 

Although JJ was sick, she used her last bit of energy to take a jab at Negan. She carefully hid one of her heels she'd broken off from her shoe in her arms she had wrapped around herself. 

When she noticed that Negan had relaxed, she stood up, attempting to drive the heel into Negan's eye to make an escape, but he was two steps ahead of her already. 

Dr. Carson had sedatives for moments like these. One of Negan's men was able to take JJ before she could get to him and jab the shot with the sedatives into her shoulder, causing her to go limp. 

"Knew she'd try some shit like that." Negan huffed. "This ain't my first time dealing with a crazy bitch, boys." He joked, lowering his voice to Dwight, "Make sure she gets to Carson. And let me know whatever...disease she's got."

Dwight nodded, effortlessly picking up the unconscious JJ. 


I could only feel my neck where I'd been stabbed with a needle. It never stopped stinging. The rest of my body, however, was numb. My ears were the only thing that seemed to be working properly.

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