Thirty one

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——*two months later*

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*two months later*

It's finally time!

After nine long months of waiting for my baby, it's finally time for her to arrive. I'm in my last week of my pregnancy meaning that I'm bound to pop any minute now.

I had my doctor's appointment earlier this week just to ensure that everything was ok and the baby was healthy. The doctor ensured that everything was going good and that my water should break sometime soon. She actually told me that I'm already 3 centimeters dilated already, so it should be maybe a day or two before my water breaks.

Since my appointment I been getting everything ready. I packed the hospital bag, made sure everything in her room is good, and enjoying the last couple of days with my lil bean before she arrives.

Chris has very excited, he's been talking to my belly acting like he's having conversations with the baby. It's really cute, when he's talking to her she's starts kicking I guess that's her way of letting her daddy know she's listening to his yapping.

I know she's gonna be glued to his hip, definitely gonna be a daddy's girl. I ain't even mad at that because I know their bond is gonna be unbreakable. He's gonna be the one to kiss all her boo boo's and make them feel better, and run away all the little boys that she might bring home.

I bet he's gonna cry when she's born, he said he isn't but trust he will. I know I'll be crying tears of joy and also pain.

Looking down at my phone I realize that it's already close to midnight, I had been downstairs all day just watching tv, since there isn't really much for me to do. I haven't really been outside of the house this week, since it's nearing close to my due date.

Collecting all of my stuff I head upstairs to chris — he had been here for a little minute now. He was at the studio for most of the day, until he came home around noon and just went upstairs and went to sleep.

Quietly making my way into the dimly lit room, I head into the bathroom to take a shower. Adjusting the water to my liking I start to undress leaving me fully unclothed. Releasing my hair out of the messy bun it had been in all day, I finally stepped into the shower.

After 45 or so minutes of taking care of myself and also washing my hair, I was now clothed and ready to go to sleep.

Turning off the light inside the bathroom, I walk back into the room quietly before siding inside the bed beside chris. Softly laying my head on my pillow my eyes immediately became heavy, soon making me fall into a deep slumber.

2:30 AM

Feeling a certain urge to pee from the amount of pressure on my bladder from this little girl, I get up and waddle my way to the bathroom.

Before I even made to right through the door I felt this gush of water just come from my body, I knew it wasn't pee because I haven't pee'ed on myself in a while.

Don't judge it was only one time, she was really pushing on my bladder and I couldn't hold it.

Water was trickling down leg as a puddle of water was right underneath my feet, immediately I knew that this baby was coming soon so I needed to get chris up so he can get me to a hospital.

Waddling me way over to chris I started nudging him to wake up him but he wasn't budging, so I started yelling his name.

He still didn't wake up, so I yelled the loudest I could to get his ass up because we needed to go NOW!

"Why are you yelling this 2 sum in the morning?" Chris said as he sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"My water just broke." I said looking at him

For a moment he just stared at me for a bit, I think he was thinking about what I said before he jumped up guessing he finally realized what I just said.

"Oh shit, baby uh- fuck ." He immediately ran into his closet to throw on some sweatpants before coming back out to check on me.

"Baby you good? Any contractions or sum shit going on?" He asked as I started changing my clothes to get ready to leave. I told him that I wasn't feeling anything at the moment but a little pressure down there.

Chris began getting everything together in the car such as the car seat and bags, while he did that I called me mom and let her know that we were heading to the hospital and also to let Jhené and Justin know.

Me and chris were now in the car on the way to the hospital that I had planned to have my daughter at since the doctor that I trusted to deliver my baby. It wasn't a long time before we ended up there, soon as we got there they immediately checked me in and put me into one of the private rooms.

Once I was settled in the room I changed into the hospital gown, and got settled into the bed.

My doctor and a whole bunch of nurses were running in and out of my room, checking my cervix to see how dilated I was. I had been in labor for almost 12 hours, until it was time.

"You ready to welcome our baby girl?" Chris said as he held onto my hand.

"I'm definitely am, let's welcome her to the world." I said


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Harley R. Brown

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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