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"loving this new journey so far 🩶

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"loving this new journey so far 🩶."

India Westbrook
Tarzana, California
8:00 PM

*two months later*

I'm so in love with being pregnant, like I'm really growing a little human being inside of me. My stomach has literally grew over night, it isn't noticeable but if we're to hug me or something you definitely feel the little bump.

I've been documenting everything since the start, from doctors appointments, photos, and doing some of the aesthetic stuff that you would see on Pinterest.

I really haven't been out much just been in the house staying chilling, chris's tour ended about a month ago so he's just been here with me also. I've been at his house majority of the time, seem like I live there now since I'm always there.

Speaking of we are currently at his home, we've been here all day just relaxing. At the moment we're currently laying on the bed, he has his head on my stomach watching some show I found interesting on tv.

" I'm still so shocked that you having my baby, like it's really a whole ass little life growing inside of you. " Chris said as continued laying on my stomach, while softly rubbing it in small circles.

"I know, it seems like my stomach just grew a little over night." I said

" for real but imagine when you further along your belly gone be big as shit. " Chris said

" I bet it is since I'm carrying you big head ass baby ", laughing a little a bit at my remark.

" you thought that was so funny. " Chris said as he mugged me acting like that really hurt his feelings, when he know his head a little big and he got them big ass ears to go with it.

" I bet the baby gone come out looking just like me, gone have my whole face and everything. People might think I carried the baby. "

" the baby isn't just gonna look like you all the way, it's gonna be a mix of us both but I can't even lie and say that they might look like you the most. " I said, I could imagine what our baby would look like there gonna be the most beautiful thing we've created. " I'm so excited, I can't wait to hold them, kiss them, and give them the world."

" There gonna be spoiled, our baby gonna have any everything they want even my heart." Chris said as he placed a kiss on my belly.

" Your gonna be an amazing dad." I said as I placed my hand on his head running my fingers through his hair.

" and your gonna be an amazing mommy, they already have the greatest parents in the world and they don't even know it yet ."

I softly smiled, he made his way up to the top of the bed where I was laying — softly placing a kiss on the top of my forehead before laying his head onto of mine. I laid wrapped up in his embrace until I feel asleep, I wasn't out for to long until I woke up again around 2 am because I was hungry. This has been happening a lot lately, it's just I be hungry seems like this thats all I been doing is eating more.

Sitting at the island counter in the dimly lit kitchen I scrolled through Instagram liking and replying to the congratulations comments that people on my post. Earlier today I decided on posting a picture of my baby bump showing the world the journey that I'm about to partake on. People don't know that chris is the father expect for close friends and family, I know once the people found out things are gonna change and be more public but I like the peace and calm for right now.

Continuing my scroll I seen a familiar name among the people that liked and commented, the username read @ammikaharris which was the same the girl that made up that fake ass story about chris.

She had hearted the post and commented "congratulations, you and the dad are gonna be amazing parents ❤️."  The comment wasn't nothing shady or nun but even though she didn't mention chris I still felt she was tryna be a funny.
I just hope she doesn't come back spreading false rumors again or even throwing herself on Chris.

Besides all of that I find it strange how she knows who I am, me and chris haven't even went public with our relationship yet. We just been remaining lowkey, but know we really laying low know and out of the public eye.

That's real weird — not even weird it's giving a bit stalker because she never followed me before up until the situation between her and chris. I just hope we don't run into each other in public or anything.

I got bored of looking on social media so I put my phone down and finished eating some Alfredo that I had made for dinner. Once I finished I cleaned up my area and made my way back up stairs, quietly getting back inside bed I laid comfortably on my side.

Soon as I closed my eyes I felt a soft kiss placed  behind my ears and a hand placed onto my stomach.

"you good?" chris asked still with his eyes closed.

"yea I'm okay, just was a little hungry."

"you always eating, the baby gone come out cubby."chris said

"If they are then their gonna be a cute cubby baby."

I didn't hear respond back from chris letting me know he had fallen back asleep. I followed right behind him and did the same thing.

filler chapter

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