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——-*two weeks later*

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*two weeks later*

Since the tour ended a couple of months ago, I've been cooped up in the house. I haven't been out clubbing, in the studio, or nothing just been in the house with my girl setting stuff up for baby girls arrival.

Time has been slowly warring down for her arrival, two more months and she'll be making her grand entrance. People still aren't aware that I'm expecting a baby soon, shocker right? I was expecting for something to be leaked about the "infamous playboy Chris Brown" knocking somebody up, but nope nothings been reported or anything.

For once I'm glad I'm not in the media for something, I hope it stays like that for a while.

As long as everything is peaceful until my baby girls arrival, I'm straight. I just want these last two months to be a breeze for me and India, I want her to enjoy these final two months of carrying our child without any stress or distractions from the media.

Since the crack of dawn I've been in my home studio, just messing around with a couple of tracks to occupy myself. I've been messing around with this one track that had a medium melody of little a lullaby.

I've been thinking of writing a song dedicated to my daughter this track has the perfect melody for me to sing along to. I want this to be something special for my baby she's my first child, my new found motivation and inspiration in my life.

Listening to the track a couple of times, I start writing a couple of lyrics down — time goes by and I finish writing the first verse. After rewriting a coup to things I go inside the recording booth to lay down the first verse. I spent about 10 minutes recording it to tweak a couple of things and change a couple of lyrics to fit it to my liking.

Coming out of the booth I take a seat in my chair near the sound board, gravitating my way to see the board I place all of my attention on tweaking the track before continuing. In work mood all of my attention was completely focused on the track, until I heard a light knock on the door.

"It's open!" I said

The door to the studio slowly peels open as India makes her way into the home studio. As she walks in Chris observes her choice of clothing, which is nothing but some little black shorts and black camisole tank top, that was nearly covering her 7th month belly.

India has barely been wearing any clothes, since all of her old clothes barely fit anymore. Since becoming pregnant and gaining weight from carrying another person, it's been hard for her to fit certain clothing. Lately she's just been limiting her choices to leggings, spandex shorts, tank tops, sweatpants, crop tops, and comfortable sports bras. Anything that was stretchy and comfortable for her was what she wore these days.

"This is where you've been hiding at, for a second I thought you left until I heard music." India said as she look around the home studio observing the spacious room.

Ever since her and Chris have been together and her now living here she's never been down in his studio. She was amazed at how amazing this place looked, it was really nice. The walls were covered in beautiful art and the whole studio just gave off good vibes.

"I woke up real early this morning for some reason, couldn't go back to sleep so I just came down here. Haven't been down here in a minute." I said as I spent my chair around to face here, pulling her onto my lap. I wrapped my arm real tight making sure she wasn't gonna fall.

"She been giving you any trouble?" Placing my hand firmly onto her belly, running the palm of my hand across her bump.

"No-", Before India could even say no the baby started kicking up a storm, every time she hears my voice she starts going crazy. It's crazy how she hears her daddy's voice and goes ballistic.

"She was doing good all day, until she just heard your voice now she wanna kick me like my insides a goal post," she said shaking her head.

"Baby girl just knows who her daddy is, definitely a daddy's girl already." I said as I leaned down and place a kiss on Indias bump.

"Yea ok, we gone see when she gets her." India said playfully rolling her eyes as she waved Chris off as she stood up.

"awe did daddy make mommy mad?" Chris said in a baby voice.

"No, mommy's just going to finish making her some food. Since she has to feed herself so the baby can be healthy when it comes." India said as she walked out the studio room.

Chris follows after her wanting to know what's she got cooking up in the kitchen. He hasn't ate all day and it's almost dark outside so he needs to eat before starving himself. Making his way up the spiral staircase from the studio, the aroma of food hit him soon as he made it to the top step.

"You must be throwing down in here, what you got cooking mama?" Chris asked as he entered the kitchen, peaking into a couple of pots to see what was cooking.

"Nun much just some steak, shrimp, broccoli, and loaded potatoes." India said as she flipped the steaks inside the pan.

"Well I can't wait to eat it." I kissed her cheek before taking a seat at that middle island counter.

Chris admired a woman that can cook, it always reminded him of his mother. He was glad India wasn't one of those girls who just knew how to make basic stuff, because after a while you get tired of eating the same shit. Being broken out of thought by a plate of food placed in front of him captured all of his attention.

"Thanks mama's." Digging my fork into the potatoes, I placed a mouth full inside my mouth. The taste was so good they melted in my mouth.

We talked a little bit as we ate, but once we were done I headed back down to the studio to finish up the song.

As I sat in my chair scrolling through my phone, I noticed I had a text from an unknown number. Opening the text it was a picture of me and India leaving from the gender reveal, I was confused as to why someone was sending this shit to me until I read the message.

The message read:

You and your lil bitch ain't gone last forever, just know yall both need to watch your backs. Especially that bitch, she thinks shit is sweet but just wait. Cant wait to see you, it will be real soon. Maybe once I off baby girl's mom, your daughter can call me mommy.
8:36 PM

who do you think sent that text?

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