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Atlanta, Georgia
11:30 PM

September 15

Chris just finished wrapping up his Atlanta show, it was a sold out show. The vibe of the show was through the fucking roof, the fans sung along to every song, and their energy was on 100. Chris felt proud because if it wasn't for the fans he wouldn't be where he is today.

Chris was about to head back to the hotel, just to chill for the rest of the night until it was time to head to the next city. Usually chris would go to a club to show his face in whatever city he was in, but he was more concerned about attending to his sick girlfriend.

India didn't attend tonight's show because she wasn't feeling well, she had attempted to try and come to the show but Chris stoped her and said she needed to rest and try and sleep of whatever she had.

Since she has found had she was pregnant her symptoms have become worse, in the beginning it wasn't that bad it was just sore boobs, a little morning sickness, and always being tired.

But lately is has became hell for her, if she even gets a hint of a certain smell or food or even perfume it makes her nauseous. She's been sleeping a lot more and eating a little more, but that's really nothing new.

India is surprised Chris hasn't noticed the slight changes in her, but he's been focused on getting through these tour dates.

It's been three weeks since she took the test, and two since she got it confirmed that she was pregnant, nearing her first month. She's been scared on how she thinks Chris is going to react, especially with their relationship still being some what fresh and if he even want a baby right now.

She knows she wasn't to tell him before she leaves to go back to Los Angeles in a couple of days, she thought it was best to tell him tonight just to get it off her chest.

India prayed that the outcome would be good, but who knows what could happen.

As India rested on her side on the bed in the middle of the room, scrolling through her Instagram she hears a door open. She sits up to see Chris who is making his way toward her.

"hey baby, how was the show?" she said as she crawled to the end of the bed.

"it was good, crowd was turnt as fuck really was one of the best shows so far." chris respond as he say on the edge of the bed giving her a quick peck before taking his shoes off.

"I feel so bad that I missed it, wish I could have been there." India pouted

"It's good mama , it you wander feeling good needed to get some rest but less about me, are you feeling better?" chris asked as he turned his head to look at her.

"I feeling a little bit better still feeling s little nauseous, but for the most part I'm fine."

"that's good!" Chris said as he started stripping out of his clothes, getting ready to get in the shower to refresh himself.

For a minute India just admired Chris every move watching how he moved around the room, observing his tattoos, just admiring the fine ass man standing in front of her. She was so lost in Chris that she forgot she had something important to tell him.

"when you get out to shower, I have something important to tell you?" she said as she looked at her nails picking at them out of nervousness.

"if it's something important that shower can wait and we can talk about it now, if it's so important", Chris said turning around placing his focus on India.

"no no no, you can take care of yourself first it can wait!"

"you sure because I—"

"no go ahead I can wait", India said cutting Chris off.

"alright, I'll be out in a few." Chris said as he gathered all his stuff needed and walked into the bathroom.

After almost 30 minutes had gone by before chris erupted from the bathroom, looking refreshed and energized all over again, he had on a pair of some gray sweats socks and no shirt.

He climbed into the bed beside India who was under the covers, "so what is the important news you gotta tell me?" chris said was a questioning look on his face.

"umm, so you know back when we celebrated fourth months together and we did some things that could may have resulted making a life right?" she said nervously as she picked at her nails, scared to even look into Chris face because she didn't know how he would take the news.

"yea, what about that night?" He asked

"you know that night we had sex without a condom and I really don't remember if you had pulled out because I was so caught up in everything. Another question did you remember if you pulled out?" She asked Chris hopping he at least remember most of the shit that took place that night.

"If I'm being honest I don't remember shit from that night either, we both had a couple do drinks", chris said as he thought back to a few months ago.

"yea", India said as she continued to look down. For a moment it was quiet until India spoke again about to reveal the important thing she needed to tell him. "If you have noticed or not I really haven't been myself lately, I'm doing fine mentally but physically it's some things changing."

"what do you mean by physically?" chris asked with a curious look.

"lately I haven't been feeling to good, example today I wasn't really feeling to well. I've been nauseous, tired a lot, eating a little more, and you know those are symptoms of—"

"those are symptoms of when a person may be pregnant or is? wait , are you pregnant?" chris asked as the dots in his head started connecting in his head.

" yea, I took a test three weeks ago because I've been feeling weird lately. Soon as I found out I got it confirmed the next week just to be sure, just didn't want to assume things before I was fully sure." India said as she slowly looked up at chris to see his reaction.

"If you aren't ready I understand I know this is all kinda moving fast, but I don't believe in abortions and I'm positive about keep it."

"I don't believe in that either, but what makes you think I wouldn't want the baby?" he questioned.

"you have a whole career and I don't want to be a burden on you", she said looking down.

"you wouldn't be a burden on me nor would the baby, I'd put y'all before anything even my career. My career is always something I could take a break from and come back to but being apart of my child's life it's, I wanna be apart of this journey and experience this with you." Chris said as he lifted my chin looking me in my eyes as he said every word that was coming out of his eyes.

"I'm glad your happy about it, I was scared of what you were gonna say. I would have told you sooner but I was nervous of what you would say."

"you ain't gotta nothing to be scared or nervous about, I got you and our lil baby growing in there. I promise to god you ain't gotta worry about shit because I'm gonna be right here." chris said as he placed his hand on a my flat stomach.


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