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 India Westbrook Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA 4:30 AM

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India Westbrook
Tarzana, Los Angeles, CA
4:30 AM

Staring up at the celling because I can't sleep due to having flashbacks of what just transpired between me and chris. I don't even know how we got to that point, like we were literally talking then his face is between my legs. I can't lie and say it didn't feel good because it felt amazing, but I was I felt vulnerable and folded. I mean it was was chris, one of the finest men to walk on this damn earth who wouldn't just fold for him.

Slowly rolling onto my trying not to wake chris I grab my phone, I open check for any missed calls or texts that may have came through while I was occupied last night.I seen that I received a text from Jhené, it was a video video of nami who was dancing making me giggle at her cuteness.

As continue looking browsing on my phone I feel a arm wrap around my waist then a face being snuggled into my neck. "sorry, did I wake you?" I ask chris

"nah you ain't, just felt you moving thought you were leaving." he said in his low raspy voice

"what you doing up anyways? the sun not even out yet." He questioned me

"just couldn't sleep." looking down at the hands.

"I know what we just did kinda heavy on your mind right now, shit I know it's heavy on mine." Chris and turning over into his back.

"yea that too." Softly saying as I look at him in the eyes.

"If it made you feel some type of way or  feel that it's to awkward or uncomfortable for us to be friends I'm fine with that, i completely understand." he said

"no, no, it's not that it made me uncomfortable or anything it's just I haven't had any attention like that in a while."

"oh." Chris said with a surprise face.

"yea" I said feeling embarrassed that I just confessed that.

"If you don't mind me asking how long has it been seen you had anything sexual happen to you?"

"about two years."

"damn , you a good one I don't knew how you held out that long shit I know men be having needs but women do to."

"but on a serious not what does this mean for us, where do we go from here?"

"It's where ever you want it to go, I'm following your lead so whatever your choice is I'm cool with that."

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