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Tarzana, Los Angeles , CA
12:30 AM

It's been a week since chris has had any type of communication with India since she left his house the other day. Chris hasn't heard or seen her since she found out about the situation with that girl Ammika , for the first couple of days he debated on if he should go to her apartment but he didn't because he felt that he needed to give her space.

Over the past week he's been calling and texting but isn't getting any of those answered, he see's that she read that because her read receipts were on. Chris felt bad for not telling her what happened because the whole situation could have been avoided if he just told her what happened soon as he got home that night.

Chris has been at home tryna stay out of trouble mainly the drama that has been created around him, for the most part he has been to himself but his friends have stopped by to keep him company, for example right now.

Him, Hoody, Keeis, and Sinko were all sitting in his living room chopping it up. They were doing a little smoking and a little bit of drinking, not much was really going on.

"where India at she usually always here when we be coming thru?" Keeis asked chris as he sat back on the couch.

"I don't know she might be at home, haven't spoke since last week." Chris said shrugging his shoulders, trying to brush it off because he didn't wanna talk about it.

"what you mean you haven't talked to your girl in a week?" Hoody said

"y'all was good the last time I saw y'all, what the fuck happened that fast?" Sinko said as he entered himself in the conversation.

"yea we haven't talked because some bitch from the club last saturday went to a blog saying I tried to fuck her, when I didn't even know who shorty was till she approached me nor was I even interested when I had a whole girl at home."

"you talm bout the blasian girl that had came up to you?" Hoody asked


"damn, I'm surprised that's your first time seeing her. I'd done seen her at a couple of lil events you was at, guess she been plotting on making a move on you." Hoody said

"hold the fuck on, if I'm hearing you right you telling me this bitch basically stalking me?" Chris said

"sorta , I seen shorty back when you, India, and all of us was out at the club that one time. I think she was in your section that night."

"well I'd be damn cb, what do you be doing to make these bitches like this?" Sinko said laughing

"I don't be doing shit." He said

"how India find out?" Keeis asked

"I don't even know how but I think she might of saw the post from the shaderoom, I tried to explain to her what happened but she really ain't believe me. She thought I was on some bull shit because they same story I explained to her was the same shit ole girl told the blogs."

"you got a delusional mixed with crazy bitch on your hands."

"no the fuck I don't." I said

"I hope I don't see that girl anywhere else she need to move the fuck around, creating problems in my relationship to the point I got my girl doubting if she trust me."

"I hear you man, we all done be through something like that before." Keeis said

"you gotta get this shit under control, better hope that girl don't go bothering India. If she was at the club that night when you and India was out and she saw y'all she definitely probably did her research and looked her up." Hoody said

"I hope she don't even though it ain't shit for her to tell because we didn't do shit nor do I know who she is."

After thinking about what hoody said I really started thinking about if this girl know who India is and if she planning to stir up more shit that may cause my relationship to end.

Back on the other side of Los Angele India has been in her apartment sulking and thinking about if she should talk to chris, she's been getting his calls and texts but been ignoring them because she really doesn't wanna talk to him
especially if he's gonna lie to her.

For the last couple of days she's just been chilling, she's talked to her friends hoping to find some way to forget about her boyfriend being 'accused' of trying to mess with another woman.

She really hasn't been in social media because she doesn't wanna see anymore headlines regarding chris, but she's been itching to find out who this girl ammika is. India's heard the she goes by '@ammikaharris' on social media.

India has been really wanting to dm her and confront her about this situation but she is still in the process of trying to keep her and chris relationship a private thing. She knows if she does that, she could be exposed to the public.

As India opens up her phone she headed straight to Instagram, going to her explore page and hitting the search bar typing in the username. Soon as she typed in the first four letters the page was the first one to come up. Clicking in the profile she sees the woman.

Also noticing that the girl is on follow back, looking through different pictures she notices how the girl ammika is someone that looks like chris type, making her have thought about if she was telling the truth.

India has been back and fort with herself as if she believes Chris or not, it's been hard for her to decide because she really hasn't talked to Chris to fully understand what happened that night. She's been dreading texting Chris to ask if they can talk.

She feels that it time but she is scared to even know the truth, exiting out the app she went and found her and Chris text thread, sending a short text.


Hey, we need to talk.
1:46 AM


Real short but next will be better, need some ideas for drama.

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