
461 16 1

12:30 PM

*two weeks later*

Looking down upon the crowd of people in front of them from the reserved area they are in, the newly young couple enjoys the company of one another at 1OAK nightclub. The same club they meet at almost 5 months ago.

Five months ago the both of them never thought they would even been in a relationship, or even cross each others paths because it was impossible. They live in two different worlds, so for the pair to even interact with each other was different, but you know what they say 'everything happens for a reason.'

With the fairly new couple making a month with each other the decided that they should go out and have some fun. Invite a couple of friend to join them like Indias two friends and Chris little OHB clique.

Not all were aware of chris and India's relationship besides close friends. When the two entered the club with each other people were trying there best to figure out who was the girl Chris was with, fans taking pictures of them and storming around them.

In there section India was dancing on Chris, the two were smoking and drinking just enjoying each others company and celebrating making it a month. Hoping the rest of this relationship will go by smooth, it's probably gonna be a few bumps in the road but they can get through it.

"baby I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, I be right back." India says into Chris ear, as she gets up starting to make her way to the restroom to handle her business. After finishing doing her business she looks at her appearance in the mirror, fluffing her hair a little bit and applying some more lip gloss.

Overlooking herself on more time she takes a couple of mirrors pics, she starts heading out making her way back to her man.

On her journey there she was almost knocked down by this tall figure, "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" The person says holding India in there grasp.

"yea, I'm-" when India looks up to the person to respond it was someone from her past that broke her in so many ways. Caused her so much pain emotionally, physically, and mentally, after almost two years of not seeing this person it was a shock to her because she would never think she would run into them.

Breaking out of his grasp she starts to head back to the section not wanting to have any type of interaction with them, but they grabbed ahold of her before she could walk any further.

"Damn India not even gone speak, it's nice to see you again how you been?"

"Jalen, I been doing pretty good but I really don't wanna have a conversation with you right know so..." this moment was kinda awkward for India because she did not want to be anywhere near him, memories of there last encounter starts to flood her mind.

"I'm not gonna hold you any longer just wanna talk to you, see what you been up to who you here with?." He says looking me up and down observing my appearance, caressing the back of my hand softly.

Snatching my hand from his I respond to his question, "I'm here with BIA and Sol, and some other friends. Just having a little fun with my friends you know having fun." Looking of to the side not wanting to make eye contact with him.
"I ain't seen them in a while, I remember them always coming over the house when we were together."

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