Chapter 7: Alketas' attack

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As Alketas rode forward ahead of his pursuers with his 20 remaining men, he came upon a small stream. Although the stream was shallow and only 20 spans wide(1), it was deep. He spotted a bridge with which to cross. As he rushed to get to the bridge, his horse collapsed from exhaustion. Alketas looked away from the blinding light of the sun and at his tired men. He said, "This is it. We will leave the horses here and make the crossing. If we reach the woodlands beyond, we will be safe. Hurry!"

The men, with heavy breaths, replied, "Yes captain!"

As they ran with all their might across the bridge, their pursuers, some 40 horsemen, yelled and charged. A captain's head would fetch a hefty reward. And although the bridge was only 10 spans wide and 20 spans long, the horsemen packed through four by four as fast as they could without being knocked into the stream below. A young chieftain, Rodrik, among the pursuers, yelled out, "Don't let them get into the woodlands! Run them down! Get me the head of the one with the shiny armor!"

All the horsemen yelled and charged beyond the bridge eager to claim the prize.

Three quarters of the way to the woodland escape, Alketas and his men, exhausted, could run no more. As he saw the first of his men collapse from exhaustion, Alketas turned back and yelled, "Stop men! Face the enemy! Brace for the charge!"

On the order of their captain, they turned to face their pursuers with their swords and pikes. The chieftain laughed and yelled at his men, "Go," as the forty horsemen fanned out to encircle their prey.

But then, there was a horn. From the woodlands beyond, more and more horsemen were charging towards the pursuers in a semicircle towards the bridge. As the chieftain and his men's vision cleared from the gaze of the midday sun, they saw the frightful sight. As they hurried to turn back around across the bridge, they saw pikemen with shields blocking the bridge across the river.

Rodrik, angry that he had fallen into an ambush yelled, "Charge at them! The only way out is forward! Charge!"

As the cavalry clashed, the Athenians broke Rodrik and his forty horsemen. Some tried to flee and fell into the stream below. The rest were easily run down by the fresh Athenian horsemen. As screams and smells of dying men and horses filled the air, Alketas knew he could take no prisoners. Thus, when he came across an injured Rodrik, who looked barely a day over 15 years, he did not hesitate to thrust his sword through the boy's neck. Alketas yelled at his men to take no prisoners and prepared for the night.

---Preview of Next Chapter---

The pieces have moved as predicted by the commander. Now it's time to spring the trap! But darkness works both ways. What heinousness waits for commander Alketas and his men? Find out on the next chapter of From Fire and Blood Ch 8 - Freja the Shaman.


 20 spans = 4.5 meters = 15 feet


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