Chapter 4: Attack on the Camp

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Sylia opened his eyes to beating drums. There was fog thick enough to cloak even two steps in front.

"A king who could end all the bloodshed," a soft feminine voice claimed.

The voice continued, "He could unite the realms of men. He would lead the united armies against the dark creatures of the eastern woodlands, against the vicious dragonairs1 of the northern frostlands, against the barbaric horse tribes of the desert nomads. He can safeguard men against the many enemies they have in the world. See.."

The fog lifted and Sylia could see a large battle taking place below.

He could see a man, beating large drums mounted atop a six horse chariot, ushering forth a mighty army under the banners of Athena.

Dum Dum Dum..

Between the constant beating of the drum, Sylia jolted awake.

"What a strange dream," he thought.

He found himself next to a hearty fire. But something was wrong. There was already daylight - but where was Strategus and where was his nephew?

Still, the sound of drums. Why was there war drums and men yelling? And then he remembered.

Sylia quickly got up and outside the tent. The camp was lively with action – men were preparing for battle. A company of men was marching through the gates of the camp in rank. At the palisade walls, there was Strategus standing atop and looking out.

Sylia called out to him, "Brother Strategus!"

As Strategus saw Sylia, his eyes lighted up.

"You're awake brother. That's good. Come up here."

As Sylia quickly got up the turret and noticed several battalions gathered outside the camp. He asked Strategus right way "Where have you kept the prince?"

"Safe. In my tent with my wife.", replied Strategus and Sylia finally calmed down.

After a brief pause Strategus asked "What of Sylvia?"

Sylia replied, "I could not save her and the prince so I had to choose. My sister would never forgive me if I let anything happen to him – my nephew."

Strategus, noticing the exhausted and disappointed look in Sylia's face said, "Though we are not born of the same parents, you are my blood brother and your sister is my own. She was a boon to Athena. I grieve with you brother. But there are urgent matters that we need to attend to. Along with Holda's warband from beyond the eastern swamps, the Jin2 army in the northern plains also invaded. The villages and outposts in the north have bought us some time but they will soon attack us here."

Sylia inquired, "How many?"

Strategus continued, "The Jin army has 5000 horsemen. We have limited information on Holda's warband. It seems he has taken over Harbook. The fate of your kinsmen is unknown. They destroyed the queen's palace and are coming here as well."

Sylia replied, "He has 2000 at least. But more than half of them are peasant woodsmen from the borders. Holda and his cursed tribe have been eyeing the castle for ages and now they have finally made their move. Brother, I'm glad I listened to you and set up countermeasures for this attack. It's a shame about Thrasus and my men. Father is also probably dead."

Strategus saw the frustration in Sylia's eyes and reassured his friend, "We could not do more without alerting the enemy. We forced them to show their hand. Now that we know who is with us and who is against, our course of action is clearer. We cannot fight the two armies here without support. The first, second and fourth divisions are all retreating west towards Athena."

As he looked again and saw dust clouds in the distance Sylia continued, " Looks like more of us will go to keep the company of our dead brothers before this is over."

Strategus smiled and replied, "Hopefully not me for a while. My wife is giving birth soon, and you have yet to bed a girl."

As Strategus chuckled and Sylia looked a bit awkward, a company of men with horses gathered at the main command post.

Sylia finally told strategus, "Brother, what's most important now is the prince's safety. We must get him to Thebia3. I am afraid the invisible shadow has taken over Athens and the royal family."

Strategus replied, "We still cannot touch Isidora. She is still the king's favorite child and has his ear. We don't have any solid proof. For now, we must get the prince to safety. I will issue commands and delay the enemy for at least 3 days here. Then, we will fall back to Thebia as well. I have prepared ambush sites along the main road and I expect enemy attacks all along it. Take the prince and a 100 riders and make for the broken mountain path. My wife will join you also. Pilio may be a bit hard to handle but he is my best tracker, pathfinder and the commander of this battalion. Leave the fighting here to the third division and go now. We haven't a moment to waste."

Sylia said, "Thank you brother. You truly are prepared for anything. May the fortunes of battle be with you."

As Sylia rode out with the prince and his guards, Strategus looked on with confidence in his face. However, in his mind, he knew well that to secure their lives, he had to gamble his own.

---Preview of Next Chapter---

Enemies have sprung up everywhere and Strategus only has so many men. An intricate balance of men, resources, and strategy has averted disaster so far but one bad move and everything will come tumbling down. Across the world of Gaia, the armies of men are at the brink of war - how will the Athenians survive?


1. Dragonairs: Dragon riders from the Volcanic Northern Kingdoms.

2. Jin: A Kingdom to the Northeastern steeps specializing in horse riding

3. Thebia: A city close to Athena; another tributary state to Athena 


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