"I'm gonna start a rebellion"

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"I'm gonna start a rebellion"
Chapter 2.

God knelt before the newly formed beings, their inert bodies now infused with the breath of life. His hands gently rested on their heads as he imbued them with vitality, their chests rising and falling rhythmically as they entered a deep slumber. As God worked His divine magic, their forms transformed, shedding the earth and mud to reveal flawlessly crafted human mortal bodies, their skin radiating with a soft, smooth light brown hue.

Lucifer, still reeling from the spectacle before him, couldn't help but be awestruck by the resemblance between the mortals and God Himself. The intricacy and beauty of his father's creation left him momentarily speechless.

"Damn, why didn't I think of that," Lucifer mused inwardly, a mixture of admiration and frustration swirling within him. "So, what now? You're just going to discard my efforts, Father?" Lucifer's gaze shifted away, a hint of disappointment clouding his features.

God's response was gentle yet firm, "No, my son. I cherish your creativity, but you understand the divine plan. These beings, while beautiful, do not align with the purpose of Earth. They are not part of the grand design."

Lucifer nodded begrudgingly, acknowledging the wisdom in God's decision even as a pang of longing for his creation lingered in his heart. The gravity of their exchange underscored the intricate dynamics between father and son, creator and creation, in the celestial realm.

Lucifer's frustration simmered as he walked away, the weight of God's decision heavy on his mind. With a swift motion, he summoned his celestial wings from thin air and unfurled them, the majestic feathers shimmering in the heavenly light as he took flight back to the realms above.

Meanwhile, God turned to Michael with a reassuring pat on the back. "Give him some time to cool off," God advised, his tone carrying understanding. With that, He disappeared back into the ethereal expanses of heaven, leaving Michael to ponder the events that had unfolded.

Michael, with a sense of duty, returned to his own tasks. He took a moment to admire the creations he had overseen, a smile gracing his lips before he too ascended with his wings back to the heavenly abode.

Seeking out Lucifer, Michael navigated the corridors of the celestial castle. Knowing his brother's tendencies, he headed towards the universe room, a place of solace and contemplation for Lucifer in times of distress.

"Lucifer?" Michael's voice echoed in the vast room filled with stars and galaxies, but his brother was nowhere to be seen. Michael frowned slightly, wondering where Lucifer could have retreated to within the expansive realms of heaven. The stars twinkled outside the window, a silent witness to the cosmic dramas that unfolded within the divine realms.

As Lucifer stood amidst the lush beauty of the garden, his eyes fixated on the newly awakened mortals before him. A sense of determination surged within him as he addressed them with conviction, "Don't worry, I will elevate you to the status of gods and claim you as my own. Your Creator has abandoned you, unwilling to be your ruler. I will take His place and ascend as the most high, a King among beings."

With a resolute gesture, Lucifer reached for the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. As he took a bite, the taste was unlike anything he had experienced before. It was as if he could taste the very essence of existence, the complexity of billions and billions of molecules dancing on his tongue.

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