__ Holy shit! You are scary. And hot. Okay. Go ahead. __ The man mumbled before yelling at the team about the break.

Becky, who was immersed in the scene, widened her eyes in surprise the second she saw the handsome woman walking in her direction.

__ Freen, what are you doing here?

Furious, the dark-haired female gritted her teeth:

__ The important question is: what is my daughter doing here?

The gorgeous actress rolled her eyes while responding:

__ Don't be so dramatic. Lily is having fun. And she's my daughter too.

The older one stepped closer and replied with a deep voice:

__ You really think sharing some DNA makes you her mother, huh? Did you know MY child had never drunk soda because she can't consume sugar unless it's from fruits? She is allergic to an ingredient found in artificial snacks, too. Instead of buying her healthy food, you let her in the hands of a stranger who is as experienced as you regarding kids.

Taken aback, the brown-haired one showed concern:

__ Will she be ok? I didn't have time to prepare things, Freen. Plus, I trust my P.A.

Keeping their eyes locked, the 31-year-old declared:

__ You are a child, Becky! Never took care of yourself. How can you take care of someone else? Children don't come with a manual. It takes us time and dedication to figure them out. But leaving them with a P.A. is certainly not a way to learn anything. Thank God, my kid didn't consume that shit.

Raising her hands in a signal of surrender, the beautiful woman said:

__ I'm sorry. I couldn't imagine a simple visit to the studio would bring such a headache. But I'm gonna take you to court if you don't let me get close to Lily.

Smiling sarcastically, the dark-haired female leaned and defied her former friend:

__ Really, Becky Rebecca Patricia Armstrong? You're going to play the attorney card, huh? Alright. Let's see what the judge will say when they find out your past with stalkers, death threats, crazy fans and how the first thing you did after meeting Lily was drag her to a movie set without proper supervision.

Frustrated, Becky held the brunette by the shoulders and shook her.

__ Please, stop it! Why can't we reach an agreement?

__ Because you don't stop threatening me and you have no respect for me, Becky!

They went silent but didn't move a finger.

The 27-year-old felt aroused by the brunette's more aggressive behavior and mentally cursed at herself.

The movie director, who had been observing the argument from afar, walked toward the two women and said:

__ Excuse me. Miss Sarocha, right?

__ Yes. __ Freen stepped back and glanced at the older guy.

Becky bowed and murmured:

__ I'm sorry for the inconvenience, director. I promise that won't happen again.

Smiling, the middle-aged man declared:

__ Actually, it might be interesting if it did. We haven't found the person to be your antagonist, Becky. You two would look amazing as enemies on screen. Has your... friend ever worked as an actress?

Taken aback, The Thai exchanged a look with her former co-star and explained:

__ I used to be an actress. But I quit 6 years ago.

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