Chapter 49. Waiting For a Girl Like You (Part 2)

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The growing smell of sizzling bacon and buttermilk pancakes wakes me from my deep sleep on the couch in the den. I quickly lift my phone to see Taylor, only to be disappointed that my screen's black. The small feeling of anger is quickly washed away when I notice my phone isn't turning on.

Shit... It's dead... Go figure.

I reluctantly slide off the couch and plug my phone in. Since it will take a while to charge, I go ahead and hop in the shower to get ready for the day. I wonder if Taylor's just as upset as I am that the call ended. I was really looking forward to seeing her first thing in the morning, even if it was through the phone.

I head out to the kitchen, leaving my phone behind to charge, when I see Jesse flipping pancakes.

"Morning! Sleep good?" He asks with a sly grin on his face as he takes a sip from his mug while holding the spatula.

"Something like that... Downstairs is creepy at night." I tease lightly, making him laugh as I pour myself some mango juice from the fridge. Mango has always been my favorite. It's nice to see that Don and Kelley keep that in mind when I stay over.

"I still can't believe she made you sleep down here all by yourself! I mean, you two would share the bed if you had to... Kind of a dick move if you ask me." He says, taking another sip.

"Well, I told her it was fine. I have a girlfriend now, so..." I try to shut the conversation down, not making a big deal about it, but he shakes his head.

"She had a boyfriend and you had a girlfriend at the time... What changed?" He asks. I know he doesn't mean anything bad by it, he's probably just curious.

"Well, my girlfriend can definitely be the jealous type..... But I don't blame her. I'd be the same way if the roles were reversed. So, no need to make her that way..." I explain as I sit down at the table with my juice.

He seems content with my answer because he doesn't say anything else. After he's done cooking, he offers me a plate which I accept. I'm not particularly hungry, but the last thing I want is for anyone to mention my struggle to eat or bring up an eating disorder.

He sits across from me with his own plate and continues to make conversation.

"So, I was thinking after you and Dakota do your shopping, if you're not wiped from that, we can hit the slopes and I can teach you how to use the snow bike!" He suggests.

"I think we're gonna go after Deacon and I take some pictures... I think that's what Dakota said last night" I say before taking a bite of my pancake.

"Good! You didn't forget about me!" Deacon says as he walks into the room still in his PJs. He grabs a plate and joins us for breakfast.

"Well, I do have some shopping plans too, so you two can go whenever Dakota's cool with. Just text me to let me know when you wanna go!" Jesse smiles, his enthusiasm present just as much as his respectfulness.

"Perfect! That gives us time to take some cool pictures!" Deacon struggles to say with a mouthful of food.

Dakota walks in with Zeppelin trailing behind her before she sits next to me stealing some bacon off my plate.

"Wow. You had Zeppelin upstairs with you this whole time and you didn't offer him to stay with me last night?!" I clutch my heart jokingly making her roll her eyes.

"Damn, that's cold," Jaspers says as he walks in grabbing his own plate.

"He was already asleep when I went upstairs! I didn't wanna wake him!" She quickly defends as a blush grows on her cheeks.

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