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Into the history :

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Into the history :

' It's time to depart Maharaj ', chandra said to shiv who was checking the preparation of army 

1000 of worrier comes in landscape of eyes beneath the open sky having the saffron flag into hands and sords gleam seating on the horse add the charm of majestic appearance to there bravery, the sound of hooves of the horses epoch the sky.

dressed in white shiv was seating on horse 'Keshari' his loyal and most trusted horse who always play magnificent role in war , sward gleaming at his west giving the vibe of untouchable nature with emitting intrepidity which can brace anyone and act as source of courageousness. and motivation to his worrier. with look of determination over his sculptured face-unshakable, undeterred  he shapes fate at his will.

drums of war resonate with cannon fire of bars.

'depart' shiv roared ,with his order worriers started to run there horses behind him towards east to win this war. leaving behind the trail of dust in sky. speed of horse that can match the nature of air. people often said that he run his horse at speed that it seems he vanish in thin air at no time.

the travel for whole day to reach in the mountains of east. they stop at east mountain for night forming tent to rest for night giving rest to horses who runs miles and miles 

into the tent of shiv , east mountain :

'Maharaj what about next', chandra said while bowing to shiv after entering to his  tent. 

'where are they now ?' shiv asked

'they are 12 hour away from us Maharaj',


'What about there current situation ?'

'We cease there food supply so there strength is already reduced, our militia of  worrier already spying over them and  with sudden attack they awestruck them with fear, making them unable to leave the tent alone' chandra told 

'hmm' shiv replied 

'we will strike  them at night  the most vulnerable time , when they are oblivious of there surrounding , unaware of there enemy, having themselves in lap of deep sleep' ,shiv said while putting his hand over his chin and gazing at map in-front of him. 

'They are now in middle of mountain surrounded by mountain by three side we will divide our warband  into group of two. one warband will go an attack them i will lead them myself and second warband will remain a mile away from battlefield and tie mashal to trees lit them up so enemy can think we are great in number. when first warband return to destination having enemies behind them'

'when they loose there confidence we will attack them again in meantime the second warband will go and destroy there tent so they have no were to go'


'Yes maharaj' Chanda said with bow before going out the tent.

when the night deepens and world fall in hush silence, embracing itself into the arm of still night. shivs worriers started to approach enemies tents 

unexpected beginning of the war don't gave time to his enemy to prepare, catching them off guard. still some try to fight back as they are way more in number. many fall over the ground in there own pool of blood. 

shiv was riding his horse with swards in his both hand ,having aura of destruction a darkness which can engulf his enemy into it whole without any traces of his merry existence . killing his enemy on the spot with his sward. sward strike at speed unable to seen by naked eyes. his horse 'Keshari' know what to do in this type of situation. making shiv steady over him giving him opportunity to kill as many as possible. shiv started to pile mountain with the dead bodies of his enemies. 

in the enemy tent people who are sleeping started to woke up by this sudden hurdle in panic picking there sward to fight. drums of danger resonate in the tent of enemy making them cognizant 

At this point shiv gave signal to his worrier as it time to act on there plan and started to refute themself into the depthness of mountain and darkness. with enemies on there back as they run there horses and vanished into the darkness, at half a mile second warband was ready with lit mashal over tress giving illusion of magnificent number worriers to broke enemies confident.

some people of enemy went over wrong path , some become pray of climate of mountain and some of wild animal.

unexpected, turning back as started to attack over them again when they are in illusion and loose confidence, it is easy to surpass them with no time. shivs worriers started to massacre of there enemy .

with the fear of life they start to run towards there tent but the seen in the tent was awful making them week in there knees. whole tent was looted by shivs people and set on fire. from behind shiv was coming like there death and in-front of theme there is no way 

those who fight with there all , sleep into the depth of night forever.

some surrender themselves to shiv  in hope that shiv will spare there life. there is rule in shivs army never kill anyone when the are not fighting or bearing there sward. so defeated  worriers of enemy are kept to the custody and after sometime if they want to join the shivs army they are given the post or else they are released with some money so they can went to there own home.

some run away into the forest without knowing the path stuck there and  awaits for there own death .

in this chaos of fight unexpected event happen when shiv was fighting with his enemy a figure cross his mind, a girl with face of 'what's going on here'. until someone tries to attack her Ecchymosis her arm, blood dripping from the wound, to shivs astonishment next movement she pick sward lying on the ground and with swift of it she strike back and kill him on the spot. frightening her of what she did.

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let's see what happen later. when shiv encounter with new feelings of his, the feeling that want to retain something ,to own someone. 

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