Chapter 21

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Iron Man flies ahead of the Leviathan, turning in the air to face the oncoming monster. "Jarvis. You ever hear the tale of Jonah?"

"I wouldn't consider him a role model," Jarvis tells Iron Man. Some razors on the kneecaps of the suit eject, as Iron Man flies straight towards the leviathan. The monster opens its mouth, allowing Iron Man to fly inside and unleash every piece of arsenal in the suit. Explosions ripple through the leviathan, until it explodes, throwing Iron Man down onto the street, disoriented.

Iron Man flies through a bus stop cover, the man inside groaning as he rolls to a stop. The wind is knocked out of him, as he begins getting up but is surrounded by a small band of chitauri soldiers. They begin firing, knocking him down further as the hero tries to fend them off.

Hawkeye stands on the rooftop, firing his last arrow at the soldier beside him. Reaching behind him, he curses himself when he finds no more arrows. He uses his bow as a staff, knocking down the soldiers that jump in front of him and quickly pulls the arrow from the dead chitauri body. Pressing his bow, the arrow head is picked, as he turns around finding a swarm of chariots coming at him.

Running to the edge, the archer jumps, knocking an arrow and hitting the building's side. The grappling hook attaches, the wire swinging him down into the window. Breaking through the glass, Hawkeye rolls on the ground, groaning painfully.

On another rooftop building, the Hulk knocks away soldiers as if they were paper. Grabbing the head of one, Hulk slams it down but more come. Chariots hover above the green beast, firing repeatedly at him. Hulk blocks them the best he can, but the constant force buries him into the rubble of the roof.

On the street a few feet away from Thor and Captain America, Ravena and Loki fight side by side. The burnett woman cutting through soldiers with her wings. Loki throws his daggers carefully, killing the soldiers surrounding him.


A lone pilot sits in his cockpit, listening to his radio. The woman from the world council ordering. "Director Fury is no longer in command. Override order, 7 Alpha 11."

"7 Alpha 11, confirmed," the pilot confirms, preparing for flight. "Prepared for takeoff."

On the bridge, Hill taps away on her screen furiously. She watches as 7 Alpha 11 begins to leave."Sir, we have a bird in motion! Anyone on the deck, we have a rogue bird! We need to shut it down! Repeat! Take off is not authorized!"

Fury turns, running out of the bridge and making it to the deck. Running down a hallway, Fury carries an airtronic rpg-7. Taking aim, he follows the bird that speeds past him, firing at the tail end of the jet. It skids to the edge, the engine dead as the pilot is unharmed. But suddenly another 7 Alpha 11 jet flies down the other runway, as Fury takes out his hand gun but is unable to do anything.

Walking back into the hallway, shutting the door as he presses his coms device. "Stark, you copy? You have a missile headed straight for the city."

Back in the city, the chitauri continue to heavily assault the iron hero. "How long?" Iron Man asks, blasting away a soldier.

"Three minutes, max," Fury informs. "The payload will wipe out Midtown."

"Jarvis, put everything we've got into the thrusters!" Iron Man orders, blasting down the soldier.

"I just did." Beginning to leave one final soldier latches onto his legs, but Iron Man shakes him off and flies away.


7 Alpha 11 flies just beyond the city, engaging the targeting system. Pressing a button, the missile drops from the belly of the jet, flying straight to Manhattan. "Package is sent. Detonation in 2 minutes, 30 seconds, mark."

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