Chapter 11 - Revelations and Arguing Heroes

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Fury walks into the lab, shocked that Tony and Banner have stopped working on the scepter. Banner stands beside the counter with the scepter, Tony casually sitting on top as he munches away on blueberries. The two scientists look over at the one eyed man as he enters, "what are you doing, Mr Stark?"

"Uh...kind of been wondering the same thing about you," Tony replies, returning his focus to the screen.

"You're supposed to be locating the Tesseract," Fury reminds the billionaire.

"We are," Banner interjects, "the models locked and we're sweeping for the signature now." Banner points over to the computer that quickly works with the information Tony and he collected the previous night. "When we get a hit, we'll have the location within half a mile."

"And you'll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss," Tony says, still watching the screen. All of a sudden, a collection of files appearing on his monitor. One labeled 'Phase 2' and the other 'Ice Raven'. "Why do you have a flie about my Aunt? And what is Phase 2?"

Just then Steve and Rose walk in, the former slamming the HYDRA assault rifle onto the table. "Phase 2 is SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons," Steve says, seething with anger. Rose walks over to her nephew, as Steve glances at him, "sorry the computer was running a little slow."

"And what of this file about me?" Rose asks, Banner passing her a tablet with the file pulled up. Swiping through the information, she completely ignores the ongoing conversation. 'Rosalie Moore has been exposed to the scepter that Loki has been using. She's shown no signs of being mind whammied, but has shown other signs of dangerous threat levels. Discussion of detainment has been brought up. As well as being heavily sedated, threatened and controlled if she becomes too powerful.' Rose reads through the information.

"I'm sorry Nick," Tony jumps down from the counter, moving the screen to show Fury. Rose sends the file to Tony's A.I. and sets the tablet on the counter, "what were you lying?" The plans of the weapon are shown, as Fury is silenced.

"Rose and I were wrong, director," Steve says, "the world hasn't changed a bit."

"Especially about SHIELD," Rose steps over to Fury, punching him across the face. Just then Nat and Thor walk into the lab, Nat keeping her eyes on Banner and Rose. Banner looks over to Nat, angry at the things up for discussion.

"Did you know about this?" Banner asks, pointing his glasses to the screen. Steve steps over to Rose gently pulling her away.

"What did you learn?" Steve asks in a hushed tone.

"They are discussing detaining me or heavily threatening me to keep me controlled if I become too powerful," Rose whispers back. She looks up nervously, meeting Steve's gaze. Rage boils within him, as he glares over at the director.

"I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed," Banner counters to Nat's statement, "and Miss Moore has been perfectly fine."

"Loki is manipulating you," Nat steps closer, side glancing at Rose, "both of you."

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