Chapter 9 💜 The Dream Talks

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All the eyes and ears were curious to hear what I was about to share.

Thousands of horses were racing inside me. I was shaking..

The first thing I said to them..
"Guys can I please have a selfie with you??"

And all of us burst out laughing..

But I told them.. I really wanted one.. even better a short video.. so that I can share it with my army mates..

They know I keep editing our pictures together.. so a video would be better no...😂🙈.

They happily agreed but on a promise that I won't share anywhere else accept my army chingus..
I told them to be assured.. all of them are super super sweet and trustworthy ..

After a while when everything got settled.. I started telling them..

How and what impact they have on thier Army's.. not just young people but love towards them is beyond gender,  colour,  religion,  region,  social status,  age , country , language or even physical representations.

How thier music, thier lyrics have saved millions and counting...I am one of them..

God forbid if not them, what would I have done to myself. 
I could feel Joonie's hand on mine , and suddenly I saw Yoongi flinched a little. 
As soon as I saw him,  he started looking elsewhere..

I continued .. " your music did not just saved me,  but gave me some life long , pure people,  Army's who are always there for me like you all are.. always checking upon me.. to some I am thier hyung(not Noona, hyung),  to some I am thier makanae.."

I saw the curiosity turning into a humble curve. 😌

I shared how thier bond,  thier humane nature,  thier humbleness have won hearts and souls..

I told them how we all go crazy over thier memes and fan edits.. how we find them super duper kiddish and hot at the same time.. and they all started giggling..

How thier lyrics , heal us,  mend us slowly..

Not in a rush , but how we roll the bandage on a wound slowly but steady.. how thier new releases work as our new dressing on the healing wound .. and how we smile and laugh and giggle with you all.

Once we start feeling better,  we start loving ourselves, we start loving others , without seeing thier faults or keeping a  judgment towards them..

How you guys have changed us and this world for us.. at least what is within our limits and as its true that , after becoming and Army once you start to love yourself,  you cannot hate anyone.. 💜

How purple is the new black for Army's,  how everything and anything purple means so much to us and in a unique way.  

How they are skin to bone loved by us.. hence we become so protective and defensive of them..

How we share them with each other happily,  teasingly at times,  and all times supporting each other when we feel gray .. how we have connected to Army's across the world,  sharing exactly the same emotions..

How thier each action,  even a blink of an eye is so precious to us. 

I could see them listening very carefully and with emotions full of love and gratitude ..

I stopped talking but they were still listening..
I was too emotional to say anything more,  I was choking with emotions again..
I could see Hobi tearing up,  Taehyung was very quiet but very calm, Jin and JK were smiling ear to ear.. Jimin had the most precious expressions and love in his eyes were evident..

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