7. Whispers Of Charity

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Do you love me, Gerard?" Hayley asked and Gerard's heart skipped a beat at her words, his mind racing as he struggled to find the right response. He opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out, his throat constricting. For a moment, Gerard simply stared at Hayley. He wanted to tell her that he cared for her deeply, that he appreciated everything she had done for him, but the truth hung heavy on his tongue, choking him. But as he looked into Hayley's eyes, filled with hope and longing, Gerard couldn't bring himself to shatter her illusions. Instead, he remained silent, his eyes downcast, unable to meet her gaze. The silence stretched between them, until finally, Hayley spoke again, her voice barely a whisper. "Gerard, please," she pleaded. "Tell me the truth. Do you love me?" But still, Gerard couldn't find the words to reply. "Gerard, did I disrupt any old relationships before we got married? Did you have a girlfriend that you had to break up with because of our marriage?" she asked, her eyes searching his face for any sign of hesitation.

Gerard's heart clenched at her words and he shook his head slowly, unable to meet Hayley's gaze as he replied in a soft, halting voice, "No, Hayley. There was no one else before you." The words felt like a betrayal on his tongue. But try as he might, Gerard couldn't bring himself to confess the truth to Hayley. A realization dawned on Gerard with startling clarity: his relationship with Frank existed long before he had ever met Hayley. Gerard pondered the nature of his connection with Frank. He had met Frank, fallen in love with him, and committed himself to their affair long before he had ever crossed paths with Hayley. And as he reflected on the timeline of his relationships, Gerard couldn't help but wonder: was it cheating? Was his love for Frank a betrayal of his marriage to Hayley, or was it simply a continuation of a bond that had existed long before she had ever entered his life? For Gerard, the answer was clear. Meeting and dating Frank before marrying Hayley didn't constitute cheating in his eyes; it was simply a matter of fate, of two souls drawn together by an undeniable connection.

Gerard found solace in the knowledge that his love for Frank was true. For in Frank's arms, he had found a love that was pure and unadulterated, a love that knew no bounds and defied all expectations. Gerard gently brushed a strand of hair away from Hayley's face as he leaned in to place a soft kiss on her forehead. "Go to sleep, Hayley," he murmured and Hayley smiled up at him. "Thank you, Gerard," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I love you." Gerard's heart constricted at her words as he forced a smile onto his lips. And so, with a heavy heart and a troubled mind, Gerard closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, his dreams haunted by the ghosts of his past.

Meanwhile, Frank sat on the couch in his dimly lit living room. In his hands, he held a well-worn bible, its pages dog-eared and worn from years of use. As he flipped through its passages, his brow furrowed in concentration, his lips moving silently as he absorbed the words written within. Lost in thought, Frank traced his finger along the faded text of the bible, his mind wandering to darker places as he contemplated the mysteries of faith and sin. For Frank, the bible was more than just a book of scripture; it was a tool of manipulation, a means of controlling those around him through the guise of religious devotion. As he delved deeper into its passages, Frank's thoughts turned to the events of the past few days, his mind replaying the gruesome scene of Ray's murder over and over again. Despite the horror of his actions, there was a perverse sense of satisfaction that lingered within him, a sickening thrill at the power he held over his victims. Frank tossed the bible onto the table with a careless thud, the sound echoing through the empty room.

Gritting his teeth in frustration, Frank ran a hand through his hair, his mind filled with thoughts of Gerard. He missed him more than words could express, his absence a gaping hole in his heart that no amount of prayer could fill. "Damn it," Frank muttered under his breath. He knew that it was already late, that Gerard was likely at home with his wife, but the thought only served to fuel his frustration further. Frank's frustration grew with each unanswered call to Gerard's phone. He paced back and forth in his living room. As the phone continued to ring, unanswered, Frank's frustration boiled over into anger. "Cheating on me, are you?" he muttered to himself. The thought of Gerard with someone else filled him with a seething rage. With a sharp exhale, Frank tossed his phone onto the couch, his hands trembling . He knew that he couldn't bear the thought of Gerard being unfaithful to him, of sharing his love with another.

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