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We were enjoying our dinner and cake that my wife made it, he is good on baking. I have try every things he made and all are editable.

I notice his movement and he look uncomfortable on his seat.

"What happen love?" I ask and walk to him
"I don't know but I just feel a little bit pain there" he said pointed to his abdonent
"Can you call mama?" he ask and I call his mom

Mrs.Thiwat: HELLO
Type: Mama
Mrs.Thiwat: Son, what happen? are you crying?

Mrs.Thiwat panic hearing her son voice

Type: No mama but but it hurt

Mrs.Thiwat: Tharn send him to hospital, what are you waiting for?

she yelled from other line.

Type: Mama, I'm scare

Mrs.Thiwat: Don't scare son, you will be fine. both you will be fine.

Tharn cut the call and carried Type to his car.

"Are you hurt love?" I'm sorry" Tharn said, tear roll down when he see type crying hard on his chest.

Soon they arrive at hospital, Than had call inform to doctor so when they arrive everything has been prepare.

Please wait here sir, we will start the operation.

"No, I will go stay beside him" I abit raise  my voice, he is scare and I can't leave him alone there.

"But-you" the nurse was interuted by Doctor.
"That ok. let him stay"

"Love, dont worry, you and our baby will be fine. I am here with you and I will let anything to harm both you. be strong for me, for our baby" I said and he noded but tear were all mess.

"We will start now sir Tharn, please move to the other side"Doctor said and move to keep space for doctore but holding Type hand in mind.

☆☆☆I don't know the how the operation is, please skip this part☆☆☆

The operation went well and we need to stay a week at hospital.
Type family arrive the next day of delivery and thank got my mother in law is hand in my baby boy, he is adorable but abit of grumpy like his mother, he is also clingy to his mom.

Type got discharge today and we are excited to come home, baby xavi look like he is excited to go home too.

Type named our baby as Xavier Thara Kirikun and I like the name he gave to our baby.

I  hire three nurses to take care of our baby, Type and my mother in law are insisting they could take care of baby Xavi but still I don't want them to get tired, especialy for Type he need heal properly.

I thought will be no more mood swing after delivery but I was wrong because my wife is still moody, he said I am a lier because I told him that his belly will be back to normal after baby born but it still there.

"What wrong love? Are you hurting somewhere?" I check when he took so long in closet.

"Nothing" he said putting shirt on as quick as he can

"tell me what make you so upset?" I know something is wrong by seeing his sadden face.

"I said nothing, can't you here me" he shouted. something must be for sure.
He walk out of closet as fast as he could, he is avoiding me. everytime I try to get close to him, he is distand himself and sometime he is panick when I suddenly walk in while he is changing.

After dinner his mom offer to put Xavier  to bed so Type and I can take rest early, Thank my mother in law, I think she could see the distand Type make with me.

We enter our bed room and he get on bed straight, pulling blanket over his body and sleep.

I lay down beside him and hug him from behind. I missed his body againt me, I missed his soft body so much. hugging for a while and I gave him a kiss on his neck, pulling him to lay down on his back and I could see his sad eyes.

"Tell me who make my wife so upset?" asking him while peaking on his forehead down to his cheeks and lip.
he did not answer and stay still.

"Type, tell me what wrong? tell me before I find out myself. You know I don't like see you like this" I said softy but clearly. I pulled out blanket out of his body, he don't need a fucking while staying with me, I could keep him warm.

"I' I-" word were stuck in his throat and tear flowing down.
sitting down and I pull him to my chest, he is hugging me tightly and crying.

"shh baby, don't cry please. please tell me what is the problem"

"I- I am urg-ly" he said
"What?" I pulled him out of my chest to see his face.
"who said you are urgly? tell me and I will beat the shit out of them" I feel like killing someone.
He shake is head, well who on earth to dare say shit about my wife and event

"Can you tell me exactly is baby? You made me confused now"

"I toldyou Iam Urgly and do you want me i say more" he shouted and push me a way but I quickly hold his shoulders to stop him.

"And why did you said that?" I shouted that, I lost my patient too.
"Because I am" he shouted and try to get out of my hold

"You are not urgly love, you and urgly can not put together and do you know how many girls and boys are jealouse of you? you are more beautyful than a girl, your face is perfect, your body is slip fit, your skin is soft and smooth like silk, everything about is perfect" I try to put say and what I said is true.
he is crying hard now.

"That was before but look at me now, my body look like a barrel and .." something is bothering him, he did not what it is.

"and what baby? tell me please" I try to comfort him

"and I have a big scare" he said, I pulled him to my chest again, hugging him while he is sobbing.

"Listen to me, No one has right to talk shit about your body, not even you because I own this body. if you dare to say like this again, you will face me and you know what will happen when you dare againt me, right?" I said with face to face with him. he nodded head.

" now take off your shirt" I told him, he is shock and shaking his head repeatedly.

"Take off your shirt, love" I said with gritted teeth, he is so stubbern.
Pulling his shirt out of his body, I could see a long scare on his belly and I understand him now but I did not feel disgust of it.
I throght his shirt on floor and lay him down on his back.

I put my hand on his belly and caressing his scare.

"This scare did not make you urgly abit but it will remind me of how hard you were when give birth to our son and I feel proud of you" I said and give a long kiss on his scare and even licking on it.

"Don't say you are urgly again because you are not, you are the most beautiful in my eyes" I told him and he nodded.
He pulled me to lay down beside him and burried his face on my neck.

I just hugging him and caress his back until he fall asleep.

To be continue

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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