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Arthur POV

Hitler getting ready to pick up his parent, type want to go to but tharn insisted him just to wait at home cuz type condition is not good, morning sickness, everything he eat being throwing up. He is damn exhausted.

"Would you like me to go with you?" Tharn asked Hitler
"No. It's fine for me phi, you just stay here and take care type" Hitler said and tharn nodded

Soon they reached airport and tharn have instructed his staff to prepare a luxurious car to drop his in law in his resort when they landed.

"Hello pa, ma" Hitler said and running to hugging his parent
"Hello son and your brother?" His father asked when he didn't see any other than Hitler
"Type is not well pa, so I asked him to take rest and waiting you there" Hitler said
"And where is that bastard who make my baby pregnant? I swear I will kill him if he forced type" his mother said and her face are really angry

"Calm down ma, they're loving each other" Hitler said with chuckle
"Are you sure son? I don't think your brother will fall in love with someone easily" his father said with stern face
"You can see when we arrive there" Hitler said and soon tharn staff also come and escort them to luxurious car and drove them off to tharn resort.

On the way type's mom is nagging about tharn nonstop, she is really angry with tharn.

"I will bring my baby son back with us, I don't trust that tharn" type mother said
"Ma, type is grown up man, let him decide his own life" Hitler said but his mom just glare at him

Soon they arrived at tharn resort, tharn and type are waiting for them. Type is nervous cuz he don't know what will his parent said, he never intended to make his parent upset with him, he is a proud son of his parent.

"Everything will be fine baby, don't worry. I take all responsibility, trust me okay?" Tharn said holding type hand, he knew type is worried. Type just looked at tharn and nodded.
"Let's go to see them together" tharn said pulled type hand to main entrance.

"Hello pa, hello ma" type greeted his parent and they're hugging each other
"How are you my baby son?" Type's mother asked
"I'm good ma, just lightly dizzy"type answered his mom and his dad only glare to the man beside type.
"Pa ma this is tharn, owner of Kirikun airline" type introduced them
"Hello pa and hello my beautiful mama. I'm tharn Kirikun, your soon to be son in law" tharn said with smile and confident

"Oh wow! This handsome is my son in law" type's mother said with wide smile and hugging tharn

"How is your flight mama?" Tharn asked her after release from hugging
"It's good son" type's mother answered

Unlike his wife Mr.Thiwat only show a smirk face to both son and mother in law. He looked at Hitler and Hitler just show his express face like " what happened with I will kill that bastard a moment ago?".

"Dad, you looked tired. Let go and take some rest" type said and bring his father inside leaving newly in law chitchat alone.

"Type, tell me what exactly happen with you? Did he forced you son?" His father asked soon when they're at living room
"I don't know what to say dad, let say he first force me and then.." type stuck
"And then you're loving him now" his father said and Hitler laughed hard with his father words.
"Brother..." type whined

Tharn POV

I am fucking nervous right now but still acting tough cuz I don't want my babies see me weak, I must be strong for them.

As soon as I saw type's mom, she is reminded me of my mother. Loving and showing care to her son. My inner tell me that I have my way to win my in law.

After they've greeted each other my baby introduced me to them, his mother looked surprised to see me but his father is showing his cruel face to me as is he is ready to kill me anytime.

"Hello pa and hello my beautiful mama. I'm tharn Kirikun, your soon to be son in law" I said with smile and confident

"Oh wow! This handsome is my son in
law" type mother said and hugging me, I hug her back and turned my face to wink at my baby and he just show a smirk face.

Type and his father and brother leave me and my mother in law while we are chitchatting. She is really lovely and kind as my mother. Just a few talked with her I know how type got dominant side from, sure his mother is indeed. My inner smirk "I picked the right side"

"Please get inside mama, you must be tired" I said and guide her to the living room

"So Mr.Kirikun, care to tell us what exactly happen between you and my son?" Type's father ask as soon as we sitting down.

I told them everything of my plan and how we end up like now.

"You bastard! How dare you to forced him? I really want to kill you right now if it's not for my grandchild sake" his father shouted "and don't tell me you forced him to have sex with you everyday cuz I could see some marks on his body fresh and clear" his father added

"I didn't forced to have sex with him but I am showing my love to him, of course every day" I said and type send me a deathly glare
"You... how dare you to torture my son like this" his dad shouted
"Shut up Mr.Kanawut! How dare you to rise your voice to my son" hahahaha that my mother in law, my strong protector
"Honey, what wrong with you? Didn't you hear what he did to our son?" His father again with soft tone
"That in the past but now they love each other and will get married soon, right son?" My mother in law said
"Right mama, I love type and my baby so much and I can't live without them" i said and type only glare at me and mouth "Asshol"

"Mama, I think you need to take rest. Let me show you your room and if you want I will tour you around this resort" I said and mama gave me a big bright smile
"Sound good son. Let's go, I want to see it"

We all stood up and I tour them around the my resort.

"And don't you have work in Bangkok? Why are you living here instead of there?" His father with a lot of questions
"I do have work in Bangkok but since type like here more than Bangkok, I will living here with him" I answered him and he nodded
"Who said I will living here with you, I will go to my home with my family" my naughty wife again what does he meant he will go back with his family, the hell I will let you go, never baby.
"Then I will go there with you, I can live wherever you are" I said and my mother in law giggling
"Baby son as long as I want you to live with me but you can't right now cuz you have your own family" my mother in law said but my type is so stubborn, he kick my leg and walk pass me like nothing.
Wait until tonight baby, I will punish you.


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