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Tharn POV

I just arrived at company and about to go to the meeting room when Boom come with panting.

"Tharn, did you see this?" He asked and show me his phone
"See what?" I asked and pick the phone from him.
Twitter trending and type and the guy picture all over Twitter. I scroll through the hashtag and one picture made my blood boiled. That guy hugging type and kiss his head.
How sweet?

I throw Boom phone to the floor and took my phone to call type, he answered me but I didn't give him time to even greet me.

"Where are you?" He didn't answered me but when I warned him with my serious tone he answered with nervous.
He knows very well when I said with that tone of voice.

I told Boom to delay the meeting to 10:00am instead cuz I need to go to my baby.

I want to kill that bastard with my own hand, how could he kiss my wife.

I go straight to VIP room and the body guards open the door soon they see me.

Here he is, he acted like he did nothing wrong and judging from his look he is angry with me too.

I asked him why would he let that asshol kiss him and he answered me that they always did that since they were young. His answer anger me more.

I will never let that bastard kiss my wife again.
"You're not allowed to go out anymore" I shouted and he widen his eyes but didn't dare to talk back.

If I could cancel that meeting I will cancel it and go home with him but I can't and I need to leave him with body guards.
"Drive him straight home and never let him go out. Am I clear?" I said to the head of body guard.
"Yes boss" he answered and I leave that restaurant first.

After board meeting I have business lunch talk with one of the investors from Japan.
I try my best to calm myself down and keep professional look. I can't let anger took over me to risk my business.

I go home straight as soon as I finish my work. Instead of going to our room I go to take a bath at other room, I need to calm myself more before talking with him.

I go to our room with only towel wrapped my lower part. I was searching some comfortable clothes to wear when the door open.

"You're here" he said with nervous, I think he already knows what happened.
"Can we talk?" He asked and I nodded

"I and Sarawat are childhood friend. Our family are close too. We are treating each other like Bros, and he always took care of me before. He treated me like his younger brother" he said and looking to my eyes searching for my reaction.
"If you are that close why I never heard you mention about him?" I asked and he smile
"Since my family moved to China we only chatted online, never meet each other" he answered and I nodded

"But I never saw you chatting with him?" I asked again
"How could I chat with him when my husband hide my phone somewhere or throw it away already" he said with bright smile and walking close to me. No trace of nervous anymore, how cool is he?

"But why..." He cut me
"Can you let it slide hubby? Trust your wife okay?" He peck my lip and resting his head on my chest, he is acting cute and sure he will win. Who am I to resist him?

"He is just friend, don't get jealous with him okay?" He is rubbing my bare chest and kissing there too.
I cupped his face and kissing him roughly, he kiss me back with same rhythm and allowed me to eat his mouth.

"Don't ever let anyone touching you even a finger" I told him and he nodded his head
"Word baby, I want you to confirm it" I said
"No one allowed to touch me, only my husband can" he said and I kiss him passionately again.

"Come on. I cook your favorite food tonight" he said and pick a shirt and sweat pants for me to wear. We walk together to dining table.

"Wait here, the food will be ready soon" he asked me to sit down and he walk to kitchen.

"Tadam, Australian steak with red wine sauce for my lovely husband" he is so sweet today, he knows me well that I can't stand when he is so sweet so this, he melted my heart.
"Thank you my lovely wife" I said and peck his lip.

He cut his steak and feed me.
"How is it?" He asked
"The best steak ever" I said and he smile brightly.

We finished dinner and now watching Netflix.
As usual I never pay attention to movies cuz my lovely wife get all my attention.
He laying on my chest, his hand holding popcorn bowl. I peck his head from time to time and caress his tummy.

"Tharn, keep your hand properly. You disturb me" he said
"My hand is staying properly on its place, love" I said
"Pervert" he said
"You know your husband only like this with his wife. Come on! Let go to our room" I said

"No. I want to watch till ending" he protested But I stoop up and pick him up bridal style and heading to our room.

"Tharn, I don't want to sleep yet" he shouted
"And I also don't want you to sleep too" I said with smirk
"Then let me watch the movie" he said but avoiding looking at me, he knows what I want but he still acting innocent.

I put him down on bed and hovering him.
"You need punishment love, you think you I let it slide because your cute acting" I said and he widen his eyes

I smashed my lip with him, his mouth are sweet as always. I want to kiss him without stopping if he allowed me.

"Tharn, stop sucking, it's panting" he complained while I'm sucking his nipples non stop, I'm so addicted with it. I'm addicted with his whole body.
"No love, let me eat you tonight, don't stop me. Let me eat you until I forget what that bastard kiss you and touch you" I said and he stop protecting more


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