Chapter 23

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I have tried my best to bring all the emotions here. Please tell me where I need to correct myself. Your opinion matters❤️


Aditi lay still on her bed, oblivious to the world around her. She was wrapped in a soft blanket, her head resting on a fluffy pillow. Her breathing was slow and steady, her face serene and relaxed. She looked like an angel in slumber.

The sun was rising in the sky, casting its golden rays through the window. The light touched Aditi's face gently, warming her skin and making her glow. The sun seemed to caress her, inviting her to wake up and greet the new day.

But Aditi did not stir. She was in a deep sleep, dreaming of something pleasant and beautiful. She was happy and content, enjoying the peace and comfort of her bed. She did not want to leave this blissful state, not even for the sun.

She remained asleep, unaware of the sun's presence, until she heard a continuous bang on her door which broke the spell. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking at the bright light. She stretched her arms and yawned, feeling refreshed and energized. She reach out to take her phone from the night stand to see the time.

"Who came to my house so early in the morning" She muttered to herself.

Aditi got up lazily from her bed, adjusted her night suit and went to open the door. As soon as she opened the door, someone hugged her. It was so fast that she couldn't process what is going on.

"My daughter in law" Aditi heard the other person saying. At first she frowned and tried to broke the hug but got relaxed when she remembered that now she's someone soon to be wife.

"Mom, I told you she must be sleeping, but you never listen. Leave her you're choking her" Aditi's chain of thoughts broke when she heard Axar's voice and saw him standing outside her room.

"Mom" Aditi whispered to herself. "Aditi apni sasu maa tak ko bhul gayi" She thought.

(You forgot your own mother in law)

Breaking the hug, Mrs Walker kissed Aditi's forehead and carressed her hairs.

"Slept well" She asked her to which Aditi nodded.

"Aunty, you could have called me. Why did you bother yourself coming so far?" Aditi asked giving Mrs Walker a fake glare.

"First don't call me aunty, call me mom or mum whatever you wish. Secondly I came to meet my daughter, and meeting my daughter will never bother me. Understood?" She explained herself. Her eyes showing nothing but love towards Aditi which ofcourse made Aditi emotional. She instantly hugged her. Axar who was standing outside was now inside her room, sitting on her bed, admiring the mother daughter duo.

"I'm so happy and blessed to have you as my daughter in law" Mrs Walker said, grinning ear to ear.

"And I'm happy and blessed to have you as my mother in law" Aditi said slowly. Happiness is evident on her face.

"And I'm happy and blessed to have you as my wife" Axar mumbled to himself, smiling.

"Pearl, you go and get fresh. I'll make breakfast for you. Mom you go to Arohi's home. Nash and others are waiting. I'll come once your daughter in law is done with breakfast" Axar ordered them to which both of them nodded. Mrs Walker left after giving a motherly kiss to Aditi, and warning his son not to do anything to make her uncomfortable.
Aditi went inside the washroom to do her morning routine.

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