Chapter 16

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Just a moment ago, I was laughing with her. I was feeding her. LITERALLY FEEDING HER FROM MY HANDS, but that parcel came and ruined everything. Now only I can see, smell blood.....blood....BLOOD!!!
AROHI'S BLOOD. She was hurt, she is hurt.....Nash do something....why my mind is blank now!!!

Get up you idiot, she's in pain , my inner voice scolded and I stood up from my place went towards her secret room which is connected to her cabin to bring the first aid kit.


But when he went to get the first aid kit, a man dressed in black climed up the glass wall of Arohi's building and as her cabin was in 5th floor it was very easy to climb. The man threw as many stones as he could inside, which resulted in breaking the glass. The glass of walls scattered inside the office. Some hurted Arohi, she got hit by one big stone on her forehead.

Nash heard her scream and ran towards the sound. He found her lying on the floor, surrounded by broken glass. A shard of a mirror had sliced her arm, a stone which hit her forehead lying beside her, leaving a deep gash that was gushing blood. He felt a surge of panic and rage. Who had done this to her? He didn't have time to think. He had to help her.

He lifted her up and carried her to the bathroom. He set her down on the edge of the tub and grabbed a towel. He wrapped it around her arm and pressed hard. She whimpered in pain and looked at him with tear-filled eyes. They were a striking shade of dark brown but they were filled with fear and pain. He felt a wave of emotion and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"Shh, it's okay. You're going to be fine. I'm here." He whispered, trying to soothe her.

She smiled weakly. "I know you will save me. You're my angel." She said, reaching up to touch his face.

He caught her hand and kissed it. He wanted to say more, to tell her how much she meant to him, how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. But he knew this was not the time. He had to stop the bleeding and get her to a doctor. He had to save her life.

He ran to the secret room which was connected to Arohi's cabin and grabbed the first aid kit. He came back. The wound was still bleeding. He cleaned it with antiseptic and applied a bandage. He checked her pulse and temperature. He gave her some painkillers and water.

He wrapped a bandage around the gauze pad and secured it with tape. She groaned in pain which broke Nash's heart in millions of millions pieces. He checked her pulse and breathing. They were steady, but weak. He carried her to his car, ignoring the curious stares of the bystanders. He laid her down on the back seat. He started the car and drove as fast as he could, praying that she would make it. He glanced at her every few seconds, making sure she was still conscious. He held her hand and squeezed it gently. She squeezed back.

He felt a flicker of hope. She was strong. She was a fighter. She would survive. And he would be there for her, always. He would never let anyone hurt her again. He would protect her, cherish her, love her. She was his everything.

But, he heard her whimpering more loudly. Maybe the wound got infected. He drove as fast as he could, weaving through the traffic and running red lights. He glanced at her every few seconds, hoping she was still conscious. She looked pale and weak, blood soaking through the bandage he had wrapped around her wound.

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