Chapter 1

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Dialogues in Italics bold: Other language except Hindi and English
Only Italics: Character's thoughts
Bold: Dialogue in English or Hindi

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(Edited version)

"Non ti deluder emo"

(We will not disappoint you)

A girl probably in her 20's said this while shaking hands with a man in his 50's, a sense of professionalism dripping from her voice, her face beaming with confidence

"Lo so, signorina Arohi"

(I know, Ms Arohi)

The man replied to her with a big smile on his face, having absolutely no doubt towards perfection shown in the work by the young and compassionate women in front of him, Arohi Verma, the CEO of a growing Indian company, The Belizzi.

The man looking towards Arohi with Proudness and admiration was Mr. Armando, a business partner of Arohi, being well aware about the hardships that the girl have gone through and established her company

The flash of lights was surrounding both of them as the media was busy in clicking their pictures and bombarding them with questions, when media started bombarding her with questions,

"Cosa ti aspetti da questo accordo"

(What do you expect from this)

"Come gestirai un affare cosi grosso"

(How will you handle such a big deal)

“Le aspettative che abbiamo sono abbastanza chiare, la crescita e il profitto di entrambe le società in un periodo di tempo inferiore, mentre se parlo di gestione dell'accordo, immagino che uno sguardo ai progetti passati gestiti da The Belizzi sarebbe sufficiente per dimostrare la nostra idoneità a gestire un progetto così grande e importante, grazie…..”

(The expectations that we have are pretty clear, the growth and profit of both the companies within a less period of time, while if I talk about handling the deal, than I guess a look towards the past projects handled by The Belizzi would be enough to portray our eligibility to handle such a big and important project, thank you…..)

She answered gracefully without giving even a slight chance to the media trying to make any controversy out of her words and made a swift exit out of the hall where the event was taking place.


As I exit the hall, I went directly towards the bar section in order to relax my mind after all those twisted questions of the media and the sweet talking with the business people present in the event,

"Dammi da bere”

(A drink please)

As soon as the bartender brought my drink, I made my way towards the VIP luxurious deluxe suite where we were staying for this event. As I made my way inside the suite I saw Aditi…..sleeping? I have been working at the event and this queen is sleeping here as if we are on a vacation????

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