Diah saw the look of slight annoyance on Imi's face from the corner of her eye.

"Please get a room, you two," She sighed. "And I don't mean one on the Nova."

Diah caressed Zaius' face in an attempt to bother Imi some more, then made her way to the Kunar's table. She had only taken a few steps when she realized how big he actually was. His shoulders jutted out of his frame, sharp and broad, and his body was the size of a large container. Diah guessed he had to be at least eight feet tall, maybe nine. The rock-like skin of his body was a charred gray and covered with cracks, the sharper edges smoothed down by time. He was hunched over the table, a large glass of some glittering brown fluid in his left hand.

"It's about time you decided to wander over here," The Kunar's gravelly voice rumbled. "I was starting to think Bugu was full of it."

Diah inched closer, unsure of how to approach the comment.

"Well, come on," The Kunar continued. "Don't be so damn timid. I don't have all day and neither, apparently, do you."

Diah moved around the edge of the table and sat across from the Kunar. He swirled the drink in his hand, silvery wisps winding amongst the brown, then chugged it and slammed the glass on the table. Diah winced at the noise and looked around, expecting attention. No one shifted. The Kunar leaned in and Diah's gaze shifted to the large scar that streaked across and shut his right eye. It seemed like it had been seared by a plasma blast or a hot blade. Diah decided not to inquire.

"So you're the High Mark that they've been after, yeah?" The Kunar mumbled. His words were drawn out and slightly slurred. "The name's Balakus. Former Reclaiment General."

Balakus dropped his head in a small bow. Diah started to question how much and how long he had been drinking before they arrived. She mirrored the bow regardless. He knew who she was, which meant he had the information she needed. While she had her suspicions of why the Kunar were after her, she wanted to know for sure.

"Diah Nollak," She responded gracefully. "You seem to know a lot about me, so I take it you know why I was kidnapped?"

Balakus let out a low grumble that Diah thought may have been a laugh. He leaned back and stretched his shoulders, popping the joints. The black chestpiece that hung to his center heaved with the effort. Three small white gems embedded atop his head shimmered lightly.

"Tell your friends to come over and we'll talk. I don't like repeating myself," He told her. Diah nodded and waved to Imi and Zaius, who had been studying the situation carefully.

"Alright, Balakus," Diah started. "The Kunar have chased me halfway across the system. Why? What are they planning?  I need to know if my mother is in danger as well."

Balakus went to take another swig of his drink, then set the glass back down in disappointment.

"You really want to know? It's simple. The Kunar Regime is planning to destroy the High Prime."

A shockwave rippled through Diah's body. There was no possible way that they would be that bold, or think they could possibly get away with something that major to the galaxy. Zaius let out a slight scoff by her side.

"Thats... That's crazy," He stammered. "Like 'impossible to achieve' levels of crazy."

Balakus simply nodded and continued.

"The Regime's leader, Regal, wants to rule the entirety of Atania. Thinks it's some kind of birth right. He wants to destroy Flightline Omega, the High Prime, the Collective, all of it. First, though, he knows that he needs support. They've passed a motion to split the Collective into three branches. That means that he'll have the political and military backing of whoever is aligned with him."

"I don't see something as big and representative as Flightline just going away," Zaius responded. "Even with backing, that's a declaration of war against the rest of the galaxy!"

"And that's why some of my fellow Kunar are stationed here," Balakus revealed. "Flightline is just the first stage, the first casualty of war. They're preparing for something the scale of which we've never seen before. No one has been able to tell me what's really happening here, but from what I gather, it's a new weapon of sorts. I came to Elontra to investigate for myself"

"Why are you telling us all this? Why leave the Kunar, especially before a war?" Imi inquired.

Balakus cleared his throat and then looked away. "I got personal reasons. That's all I want to say about it right now. If this attack goes through, everyone suffers, regardless of species, and I've seen enough bloodshed in my life."

"Where do I fit into all of this, though?" Diah pressed.

"You were taken as a distraction for the Alis. Your mother is Speaker and you're family friends with a member of the High Prime. You couldn't walk around with a bigger or brighter target on your back. Regal needs the Alis in fear, so he sowed the seeds of chaos by taking you out of the picture. Unfortunately, you're a loose end now, and Regal really doesn't like loose ends."

He pointed to his scarred eye.

"I would know."

Diah sat back and went through everything Balakus had just said. She was right about the kidnapping - it was solely related to her mother and, by relation, Gallard as well. While it was nice to have the affirmation, a feeling of nausea refused to leave her stomach. The situation had evolved way past just returning home to warn her mother. She needed to return home to warn everyone.

"Nox was right then," Zaius told Imi from across the table. "The Kunar are working on something in those factories. We have to stop them, whatever it is."

"If you're going to the factories, I can give you some notes from my observations," Balakus offered. "I refuse to get involved past that."

Diah, Imi and Zaius whipped their heads in Balakus' direction. Diah was thrown off by the Kunar's sudden declaration. 'Why back out now after telling us about the attack?'

'Because he's a coward,' Wyrna's voice crowed. 'A turncoat. A renegade. He only cares about himself.'

"We need your help, Balakus," Zaius pleaded. "If we're having to fight your former peers, we need to know everything about them. Their tactics, movement, formations, the works."

Diah noticed the frustration building up in Imi. The android clearly wanted to say something but was trying her hardest not to. Diah rested her hand on Imi's arm and the latter, caught off-guard by the move, let whatever she was holding in dissolve.

"Balakus, We need you," Diah reiterated. "You're the best chance we have at stopping them. Whatever the reason, you've already come this far and shared so much. If we don't fight for what we believe in and put everything on the line to save Atania, then the Regime has already won."

Diah wasn't sure where exactly the speech she had just given came from, but she meant every word. She waited for Balakus to respond. The bar went quiet around them.

"I'll reflect on it," Balakus finally answered. He tapped a MenXhip in his wrist, pulled up a small holoscreen and swiped some files toward them. "Until then, take what I know and go. If you're lucky, you should be able to get a glimpse of whatever they're working on. Take that info to the High Prime."

Balakus took his time getting up, stumbling for a moment. His presence was even more intimidating as he towered over the trio. Diah figured he had to be at least nine feet at minimum and a very muscular four-hundred pounds. His hands formed square fists.

"Kirrik Ishlan!" Diah heard a voice shout from up ahead by the bar. She glanced past Balakus and saw one of the patrons from the other side, an orange Valnaken with seven eye stalks, slither up to Kirrik. He reached inside his gelatinous body and pulled out a solar pistol, aiming it directly at Kirrik's head.

"The Bachi Gang sends their regards."

Kanushin (Starweaver's Tapestry #1)Where stories live. Discover now