Prologue: Chosen Wielder

Start from the beginning

He always chose either the sword for more damage or the shield for more defense.

???: I'm glad that you're awake.

He looked behind him though he didn't see anyone.

???: Look up.

Y/N did that and saw a small figure.

It was the Ultra Dimension Histoire from Hyperdimension

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It was the Ultra Dimension Histoire from Hyperdimension. Y/N was surprised that she was here.

Y/N: *Mentally* What the... What kind of dream did I sleep into?

Histoire: I know you must be confused at the moment but allow me to explain it to you.

Y/N: Is this about getting a keyblade?

Histoire: Well yes, that's one of the reasons. How did you know?

Y/N: I know this is the awakening place where you make some big choices then later summon a keyblade. I don't know what else my dream will be about.

Histoire: I'm sorry to say this but this is no dream. You see, the message I sent to your world transported you here after you read it.

Y/N: Wait a minute, you mean the message that said I was chosen?

She nodded.

Histoire: You are no longer in your world.

He was shocked as the information sunk in.

Y/N: How... How is this possible?

Histoire: Someone in your world had the potential to use the power of the keyblade and it seems you are the potential wielder. Though it seems you already know about the keyblade. Perhaps you learned about them some time ago.

Y/N: Actually, I learned about it from a game I loved playing.

Histoire: You learned it from a gam... Wait I get it. You're from the dimension that can see some other dimensions.

Y/N: What do you mean see through other dimensions? Are you saying those games I play really exist?

Histoire: Yes, though they actually exist in different dimensions.

Y/N: I had no idea. Wow, amazing. Does that mean Gamindustri exist too?

Histoire: So your world had knowledge of that as well and that's the other I must explain to you.

Y/N: Hmm?

Histoire: Not too long ago, I received a warning that a dark force will soon threaten the world of Gamindustri. Its said that the keyblade wielder can stop this darkness. I began looking into this keyblade after that. However it is unknown whether it involves the Hyper Dimension or the Ultra Dimension. It may possibly be both.

Y/N: And that's when you found me?

Histoire: Not exactly. Fortunately, I found someone that possessed a keyblade. She called herself a keyblade master. She was the one who explained about the keyblade to me. Once I learned more about it, I started searching for someone who could use a keyblade and awaken it. And that led me to you.

Y/N: So that explains it.

Histoire: However, since both dimensions are in danger, two keyblade wielders are needed. One will defend the Ultra Dimension, the other is where you'll be going.

Y/N: So I'm going to the Hyper Dimension?

She nodded.

Histoire: I know this can be asking a lot. I'm sorry for giving you this burden.

He smiled assuredly.

Y/N: You don't have to feel too bad about it. I actually wanted to visit the Hyper Dimension. I never thought it would really happen.

Histoire: Yes, but there may be a chance that you may not be able to return home.

Y/N: Oh, right. There's that. I might not come back.

Histoire looked down sadly.

Y/N: We'll worry about that another time. For now I'll help save the dimensions.

Histoire: You will?

He nodded.

Histoire: Thank you. I haven't caught your name yet. As she smiled.

Y/N: It's Y/N.

Histoire: Y/N, it's nice to meet you. I'm Histoire, I am a Tome and the Oracle of Planeptune from the Ultra Dimension.

Y/N: So am I going to start making my awakening choices?

Histoire: I'm afraid there isn't time for that. I was only able to make enough time to explain your situation before you arrive at Gamindustri. But don't worry, your keyblade has already been awaken when you were sent here. The magic that was in the message should have helped you unlock it potential. Try summoning it.

Y/N: Okay.

He had his hand forward and attempted to get his weapon out. Moments later, the keyblade appeared in his hand.

Y/N: This is awesome! I can use the keyblade!

Histoire giggled at his excitement.

Histoire: You've also been given some magic spells you can use. It will improve in time. You also have summons that will assist you in your battles, you can only use one at a time though. And it takes a lot of magic as well so use it wisely.

Y/N: Got it. It feels like I'm already knowing how to use it.

Soon after, the awakening room started to get bright.

Histoire: It appears our time is up. Good luck Y/N. We'll meet again when the time comes. Help protect our worlds from this darkness.

Y/N: I will. I'll be ready to defend these worlds.

She smiled in response.

The light shined bright enough that it blinded Y/N and also made him pass out. Soon enough he was being sent to the world of Hyper Dimension.

Keyblade Wielder in Gamindustri (Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now