61 - Poison

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Professor Horshwin was fickle. He curtly said "we'll be going out" before sprinting away with a gleeful gait. Aileen blinked once before being the first one to react, chasing after him. Everyone left in tow. Remis furtively attempted to twist his hands out of the two mens' clutches before finally giving up with a deadpan expression.

The trip was long. They left the academy gates, boarding a large carriage and bumping along the unpaved stone roads for half an hour. During that time, both Theodore and Cyrus refused to let go of Remis' hands. Lucius stared at the spectacle with an inscrutable gaze, his eyebrows lightly scrunched. He remained silent, his hands fiddling apprehensively in his lap.

As the successor to the throne, he not only needed to establish a good public image, he also needed to plant himself in the supporting faction to quash any political strife that may occur during his inauguration. So, in order to assist him, the King had been increasingly involving himself in his son's life. Lately, his father had been particularly adamant in understanding his relationships: specifically, his relationship with Remis Xenith, his newly selected aide.

Lucius' frown deepened as he flew further into a daze. He didn't understand, why was he hung up over something so trifling? His eyes were subconsciously fixed to Remis' face as he pondered.

Right. I don't know what I was thinking. We're obviously... just friends. His heart seemed to plummet to his stomach the moment the thought entered his mind, his jaw working as he struggled to stifle those unpleasant feelings in his heart.


Meanwhile, back at the academy...

Reask stood with his sword at the ready, facing his new sparring partner. His mind was blank as the events of last night circled his mind, again and again.

He wasn't able to sleep, his eyes bloodshot from the wakeful night. When the trainer hollered for the sparring to start, he remained still, in a daze, with his opponent charging towards him. The opponent's motions were sloppy, his attacks predictable and weak. He habitually moved his body, his hands moving to parry and his legs moving to veer and lunge. In just a few moments, Reask completely disabled him on the floor.

This is too easy, he thought, stepping away and withdrawing the wooden sword from his opponent's neck.

Reask never intended to enter Alsar in the first place. His future was set in the palace. A royal guard was the pinnacle of what a rookie knight could reach, and he knew his future was already littered with promotions. There was no need to leave his station.

But then he met Remis. The youthful beauty, with a joyful, radiant demeanor and an infectious smile that could rival the sun's brilliance. He was the son of a count, who entered the palace as a part of the crown prince's aide selection.

How could Reask live without him after seeing his bright, pure character, experiencing his cheeky capers? Without a moment's deliberation, he enrolled in Alsar as an exchange student. It was rare for a student to enroll after the fiscal year started, it was rarer for the student to be a swordsman without any magical capabilities enrolling in a magic academy. The school investigated further and found him to be one of the youngest royal guards in the palace. He was accepted.

When he arrived at the place he would live in for the remaining three years, he never expected to see that beautiful black-haired youth, disheveled on the floor with a surprised expression on his small face. Later, when he learned of the living arrangement system that the school had, where people of higher status are grouped together, he grew more confused.

What a miracle, he thought to himself, but how peculiar.

It was as if there was a force behind him pushing him towards Remis.

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