56 - the Garden

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(A/N: Late update, my bad.)

"Alright, we're done with class for today," Horshwin said. Remis felt his soul almost jump out of his body in relief as soon as he uttered the words. My only comrade has come to my rescue!

Remis hobbled under the walkway's shade and sat down in an attempt to distance himself from the chaos that was the capture target's and Sylvien's antics. He sighed, slumping onto the marble floor with his eyes fixed on the professor's face. Horshwin ambled to and fro the courtyard, his eyeglasses occasionally glinting in the afternoon sunlight. His hair made his persona all the more deranged as it flapped like a white cloth in the wind behind him. Remis' eyes wandered up to the ceiling of the archway, the ornate carvings in the veined marble filling his mind and successfully distracting himself from the new human disaster called Sylvien who was waiting just a few feet away with a content grin etched onto his face.

"Jesus Christ..." Remis muttered under his breath, his expression gloomy and drained. The first day of school felt like an eternity of hell from the first second he woke up and found a capture target waiting patiently at the door. He rubbed his temples, fighting the headache that was definitely coming soon. The now familiar sense of absolute injustice rose in his soul once again when he thought about the events that occurred just a few minutes ago.

He did nothing, absolutely nothing to deserve this! All he did was stop an assassination and heal an injured snow owl! Yet, that somehow spiraled into obsessive capture targets following him around like lost ducklings and his one penpal just appearing out of nowhere, claiming that Remis would be brought back to his home country to... Remis slapped his forehead helplessly. To marry, he finished, sending a shiver down his spine.

He was straight! Completely, wholly, utterly ramrod straight! Marrying another man? Impossible!

Remis pinched the bridge of his nose in powerless frustration. Sadly, that wasn't the only thing he had to worry about. For some strange, inconceivable reason, almost all the capture targets had taken an unnatural liking to him, the brother of the heroine. In the off chance that Sylvien was successful in abducting himself and shipping him off to Nyiel to marry, Remis didn't even want to imagine what would happen in Vires... after all, despite the ikemens' strange antics, they were all high-profile and highly respected aristocrats with too much power to play with. His boss, for example, despite his surly and blushing disposition, was the crown prince. His childhood friend was the prime minister's son, and the puppy boy was a duke's heir. Remis slung the crook of his arm over his eyes. Even waging war... wouldn't be out of the question, I think... Remis thought darkly with a somewhat bitter feeling in his mouth.

"What're you thinking about, Remi~?" A low voice whispered in the black-haired youth's ear, causing him to jolt out of his relaxed slump against one of the chiseled marble pillars. Remis's eyes flitted around in alarm before settling on the angelic smile of Cyrus. His tall figure loomed over Remis as he spoke, the sun shining brilliantly behind him.

"Nothing," Remis answered curtly, his patience stretched too thin to navigate the minefield that was Cyrus. "Actually, I was just planning to return to my quarters since we're dismissed from class now. I'll be taking my leave."

Remis rose from the marble floor, the smooth fabric of his trousers rustling slightly as he stood. Just as he was about to grab his bookback, Cyrus' hand caught his arm with an unexpected firmness. Startled, Remis's eyes flashed up habitually, meeting Cyrus' face. Only then did Remis see the subtle change in his expression. His usually composed expression had acquired a nuanced tension, and his eyes, normally calm, relaxed pools, now betrayed a flicker of restlessness. His usual beguiling yet angelic smile was stiff and domineering, showing his tense insistence.

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