42 - Alone in the Field

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My eyes blinked open. There was a large, somewhat cushiony object in front of my body blocking the invasive sunlight streaming through the window. I let out a dazed smile and yawned. What a nice teddy bear... Just as I was about to drowsily close my eyes again and fall into a light slumber, I was jolted awake by common sense. Teddy bear?

I stiffened and looked up. A familiar cascade of lustrous blonde hair caught my eye, shimmering in the sunlight. My gaze traveled downwards, focused on the broad shoulders and a graceful waist, adorned in the same silk shirt I had seen the prince wearing just hours ago.

Hahaha... this dream is so funny. I tried to slowly shift back but then realized my limbs were still coiled tightly around the prince's body. Hahahahahaha... I glanced up and sighed in relief when I saw that the prince seemed to be sleeping.

I crawled out of the bed, slowly removing my arm hugging his waist and my leg wrapped around his thigh. I slipped out of the warm, thick blanket and locked myself in the bathroom. Just as I closed the door shut, the prince snapped his eyes open and jumped out of bed, dashing out of the room in a flurry.


I groaned and dunked my head back in the hot bathwater. The muffled noises of the water sloshing around in the bathtub made me calm down a bit. As my mind cleared, my thoughts ran rampant. Why did I even get in the bed with the prince? I could have just stayed awake and left the room... I wanted to punch myself in the face.

I had a very peculiar sleeping habit. If I slept with clothes, I would feel cold and restless, instinctively attaching myself to any warmth in the bed I could find. That was why I always took off my clothes when sleeping, but I must have forgotten to do it earlier and attached myself to the crown prince like a sticky hedgehog.

I sighed, a few bubbles underwater dancing to the surface. Should I be glad that I didn't sleep naked with the prince, at least?

I stepped out of the bathtub and dried off, slipping on informal clothes and peering out of the doorway which didn't have a door. The guards stationed on the other side of the hall were still gone. I sighed and shook my head. I really don't want to face the prince right now... I scampered to the end of the hall and slid down the two-story spiral staircase. Maybe I'll go to the training courtyard to see if I can practice magic there.

I arrived at the far east side of the palace and walked towards the knights' training area with practiced steps. From a distance, I could hear the grunts of the trainers along with the thumps of their wooden practice swords.

I hid behind a pillar and peered into the courtyard curiously. Large dummies were hung up, beaten and bashed around. Some of the knights were dueling with each other, while the higher-ranking supervised the morning training session. Dirt and dust was kicked up from the leaping and thrusting. Tiny particles of dust jumped into my nostrils, causing a bout of coughing and sneezing. Several knights noticed the sound and caught sight of my head peeking out from the column. They eyed my freshly washed face with raised eyebrows.

"All right, take a ten minute break." One of the supervisors said. The men and women all sighed in relief and all simultaneously ran towards the break room. With a sense of horror, I observed the chaotic scene as I was pushed and jostled by the unruly mob of grimy and sweaty men. I was hurled to the side, my head hitting with a solid, hard chest. Wincing, I rubbed my forehead and looked up to meet a pair of familiar eyes.

"...Young Lord Xenith?" Gree, the nosy, scar-faced knight. I gulped and waved to him stiffly. Thankfully, he didn't pay attention to the servant's face I had sent the other day before giving me the handkerchief, most likely too intently focused on bringing me to Sir Reask.

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