13 - Little Puppy

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I laughed while question marks flooded my mind and patted his back. "Where did that come from?" I asked.

"Hahahaha, you're too dense to understand."

"...okay... well-" Wait, I don't know why, but I feel like it's a bad idea for me to just lay my identity down. "-call me by my nickname. We're already so close, after all. I'm Rem."

He perked up and his lips stretched into an innocent shy smile. "Rem... Rem... Rem! I really like you, Rem!"

I laughed lightheartedly and couldn't stop myself from petting his head, enjoying the fluffy feeling of his wavy hair. After so long dealing with such rebellious and disobedient capture targets, it was refreshing and wonderful to have someone who I could pet and nuzzle without worrying about annoying things. "Yeah, I like you too!"

He nuzzled closer and put his head to my chest. ...Just like a puppy. I chuckled inwardly and felt myself melt with his warmth. "So, what's your name?"

He beamed and responded assuredly, "I'm actually-"

"-imagine if you're part of the Audovár dukedom! Wouldn't that be a great nightmare!" I exclaimed without thinking. I slapped my hands around my mouth and whispered words in rapid succession, "pardon my interruption, don't mind what I just said. Please continue."

I looked to the side with a reluctant half-smile and inwardly chastised myself. It seems I've already let down my guard around this person. For me to so suddenly blurt something that may be considered offensive or trigger a Death Flag is quite surprising... I should start minding my mouth.

I looked back towards him and saw the edges of his mouth twitch as he tried to keep his wide smile from falling. Thinking he was somehow offended by my offhanded statement, I hastily began rambling out quick clarifications.

"Ah, I mean, it's not like I hate the dukedom or anything, no, in fact, I love them! I-I mean, I don't love them, but of course I respect them deeply! Hahahaha, it was a slip of the tongue when I said 'great nightmare'. I just thought of something and then said those words! It has nothing to do with the dukedom or the respectable Audovár family! Actually, what do the words 'great nightmare' even mean? Haha, I mean, I find 'great nightmare' to be quite endearing, just in my personal opinion..." I waved my hands around frantically.

I could see the non-existent puppy ears of his slowly droop as I continued to explain myself. His head slumped as his eyes looked up at me with a honey-sweet gaze.

Gueh! My heart was pierced. I struggled to keep blood from spewing from my nose. "Rem... did I do something wrong...?" He whimpered.

My panic grew significantly more as he looked away and pouted. "N-no! You did nothing wrong! It was me, that was my fault!" I watched helplessly as his expression sinked into further despair. I added, "I really, really like you!" It would really be bad if you were from the dukedom, though... I omitted the last sentence courteously.

He said tearfully, "So then Rem will like me forever, right?"

I nodded vehemently, trying to appease the aggrieved boy. "Yes, yes!"

He beamed and laughed brightly. I felt rays of blinding light emanate from him. I struggled to keep myself from tackling him to the floor and peppering him with little kisses just because of his innate cuteness. Despite his devilish and handsome appearance that far exceeded my own, I still felt as if he was just my lovable clingy little puppy.

"I'm a distant relative of the King. My name's Zier."

I gleamed. "It's nice to meet you, Zier!"


The sun had far set by the time I left the archives. Cyrus continuously fussed over me, asking what happened, how come he couldn't find me, where have I been. I looked away, unperturbed and without remorse, as I recalled casting a presence concealing spell over the small library corner to preserve my peace and delightful conversations with Zier. An obsessive and paranoid stare was sent my way, but I proceeded to ignore his existence and look out the window, therefore successfully preserving my good mood.

By the time I returned home, I found the brilliant snow owl perched gracefully outside my bedside window, diligently watching the door for my return. I gasped and my expression broke into an elated beam.

"Nor!" I exclaimed as I lunged for the owl. I opened the thin window pane to allow him to come in. It gave a cheery hoot in response and naturally jumped from the window beam to my shoulder. He finally wrote back! I was worried. I freed the scroll from its leg and unfurled it with anticipation.

My dear Remis,

It's been such a long time since I last wrote to you. There was an annoying pest that made me unable to reply to you for a while, my sincerest apologies. Don't fret; I've already dealt with him. He'll no longer be tainting my treasured time with you.

How are you now? I hope you're doing well. That demon, as you call him, this "Cyrus" person... is he still bothering you? Perhaps I can be of some assistance to get rid of him. I don't like that man. In fact, I find him to be like a persistent mosquito buzzing around my ear. And what about that butler of yours? Is that prick causing trouble?

Sometimes, in my dreams, I think of you beside me, laughing lightheartedly, as we talk about nothing in particular.

I realize that it's no longer enough for me to talk to you from an ocean away. I'm no longer content to be your closest and dearest friend.

I want to be something more.

Do you know? It's been eight years. Yes, eight years indeed, since I first started writing to you. I cannot help but smile gladly when I think of how lucky it was for Nor to meet you on that fateful day. I sit, wistfully, as I write this letter for you, yearning to see you in person like in my lovely dreams.

I truly wish to meet you someday. I will go to any possible length to achieve this wish, Remis.



I read the letter with a fond gaze, caressing each of the words. I always enjoyed Sylvien's notes. His steadfast nature had grown on me over the years, and he was one of the few people who I talked to about everything. His feigned jealousy and threats to Cyrus and Eliad was all the more enjoyable to read. It often made me laugh, because I knew he would never be able to meet them and yet he still made such deadly remarks. However, these past few letters, I've gotten increasingly worried. He seems to be quite keen on meeting me. So much so that it made me feel like... his intentions in this letter to me have become warped, of some sort...?

I shook my head immediately. No, of all the people, I trust Sylvien. He would never be like those other mentally retarded ikemens. I reprimanded myself for doubting my most trusted confidant.

"Hoot!" Nor's agitated call woke me from my deliberation.

"Oh, how could I forget to feed you, Nor? I'm sorry." I scratched its head comfortingly and ran to the dresser to grab owl treats I had stashed. With that, the unsettling thought immediately vanished from my mind and I went on to coddle the adorable snow-white owl.

(A/N: Alright, so my newfound goal for this book is for it to reach at least 100K reads. As a result of this exhausting objective, I will have new chapters out each Monday to Tuesday. Of course, I can also just be lazy and not follow through. So yeah.)

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