31 - Desperate Courting

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I turned my head with a perplexed expression, only to find the prince reaching out and grabbing my hand, placing it on his head softly. His eyes resembled small crystals, jumping and twinkling.

"You have to pet me since I'm cute too." He pouted.

His sullen expression was oddly endearing, and my heart inadvertently twitched at his words. I sighed and relented, rubbing my hand on the tufts of his hair gently. He nuzzled my arm like a little kitten. I struggled to keep down a foolish grin and continued patting his head with a tentative expression.

I was too preoccupied to realize that Zier's puppyish look vanished; replaced by murderous, spiteful eyes as he watched the prince slip a smug, winning smirk in his direction.

Unyielding, Zier stepped forward and took hold of my other hand, placing it against his cheek while charmingly glaring at the crown prince.

"I-I was first." He blushed, rubbing his cheek against my palm. I bit the inside of my lip and felt blood instantly rush up to my nose. I reluctantly pulled him closer and stroked his head gently.

I stood between two grown boys, asking to be petted. My face remained neutral, and it had not at all occurred to me that the people who I was petting weren't pets, but the crown prince of the nation and a relative of royalty.

I discreetly glanced around, searching for Madam Rosé's presence, but she was gone. I made a dismayed expression and frowned. After all of this, she left me! What was the point of all that flirting if she wasn't planning on bringing me to her archives? I whined inwardly and sighed. Well, if she's not here, I can leave. I withdrew my hands and simply walked away with an impassive expression.

The two behind me glared at each other with stares that could kill before following me like lost puppies. I strode faster and made my way through the gardens, paying little attention to where the other weaving pathways were going.

Zier suddenly seized my hand and pulled me to the left. "Rem, I found a really good book in my personal library! It has a fire rune! Come to my room, please?"

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded and followed him. The crown prince looked on in annoyance and grabbed my other hand, forcing me to stop.

"Don't call him Rem," he growled, scowling as he met Zier's smirk.

"He said I can. And what are you allowed to call him? 'Young Lord'?"

The prince stood, momentarily stunned, before he flushed in resentment. "I-I'm the crown prince! I can call him whatever I want!"

"No, you can't." I interjected straightforwardly. The puppy boy's grin widened triumphantly at the downtrodden prince.

The prince blushed even harder and persisted, tugging in the opposite direction. "Whatever! It's not like I care about a stupid name!" His grip grew tighter.

"Then let me go." I frowned and rubbed my wrist agitatedly.

"F-fine then!" He released me and I found red markings on my skin where his hand used to be. I hissed and quickly moved my arm into my coat pocket. The prince's gaze remained fixed on the redness. He seemed to be worried, his mouth opening and closing, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

Navigating our way out of the garden, the prince trailed behind us with a despondent expression. As we entered the palace and traversed familiar hallways and staircases, a pang of guilt tugged at my conscience. Poor little tsundere.

I averted my gaze and silently entwined my fingers with his, wordlessly drawing him closer.


(A/N: Madam's POV.)

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