12 - Stranger in the Library

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(A/N: Happy New Year. I'm not happy. I got hit in the ass by fireworks a few minutes ago. I'm not kidding.)

The bright daylight slid through the stained glass windows, bouncing and dissolving in the cracks of the old bookshelves. The dust seemed to take on a golden hue as it gently floated around, dancing with the ebb and flow of the air's current.

I stood in front of the entrance, completely speechless and donning an awed expression. It was hard to believe that I was able to enter such a magical place. The empty aisles of the library was both a disappointment and a pleasure.

I wouldn't consider myself the type of person who's fond of reading. The only reason my studying continues to awe my tutors is because I was strictly taught back in my previous life. I was that college student who spent all of his extra time studying for tests or studying for academic competitions. The only reason why I was so excited about this library was one thing...


As that college student who constantly studied and devoted all his extra energy to academia, my life was exceedingly dull. If not for my previous sister who seemed to be the one unstable and deranged factor in my life, perhaps I would have gone insane long ago. Thus, when I transmigrated and realized that I had access to something that could only be considered fantastical—magic—I guess my world just lit up.

Originally, I was only practicing magic in secret in hopes of overcoming the capture targets and any death flags. However, I soon became very passionate about the subject. I didn't know if it was because of the novelty of 'studying' magic seriously or if it was because it was just fun and I had a natural talent in it, but it had soon became something I didn't know if I could let go.

"So? Where do you want to visit first, Remi?" Cyrus flashed his signature angelic smile. I flashed an equally bright smile and waved him away.

"I'm going off by myself. Thank you for bringing me here, I really appreciate it, now, if you'll excuse me-" I then dashed off as fast as the wind before Cyrus could attach himself back onto my hip. Climbing floor-by-floor without a single drop of fatigue, I breezed past countless book shelves ranging from spicy romance to guides on how to properly place a chair without it toppling over.

I stopped on the seventh level. It seems that Cyrus had given up on following me around the archives for the day, as I no longer felt the mana presence of a hidden bodyguard (who I was sure was employed by Cyrus, if not, then who else?) or found his figure trailing a few steps behind me with a grin on his face. I felt the sweet, familiar scent of the library gently permeate my senses. A flood of uncontrollable ecstasy overcame me as I touched the old wood banister.

'Increased Mana Enhancement through Bloor's Expansion Methods', 'Basic Water Magic Inscriptions Volume IV', 'The Development of Planck's Method'... I brushed my hand over countless publications, sauntering through bookshelves and collecting countless books as I pleased. By the time I made it to the corner, where I had set my notebook and pencil to mark my territory, my arms were filled with stacks of books piled so high they were this close to tumbling. I set them all down with a heave and rubbed my tired shoulders sorely before flopping onto one of the velvet armchairs.

I looked around my surroundings. The large floor-to-ceiling window lit up the area. Two large, long bookshelves were placed so there was only a small opening to exit, which gave a feel of an enclosed oasis. I nodded resolutely in approval. Of course a brilliant person such as I chose a brilliant place to read. Even Cyrus won't be able to find me now!

With that, I promptly grabbed the nearest stack's topmost book and started reading.


I didn't know how long I had spent reading. Perhaps they had already eaten lunch and had given up on finding me. Heh, those capture targets got nothing on me. I yawned and reached for the next book. 'Incorporations of Electricity into Modern Mana Usage', it read. Maybe I can be of some help to the author. I did live in another modern age where electricity was the center of daily life, after all. I searched the book cover for the author name, but found nothing. Hm, strange. I tapped the pentip to my chin and took out my notebook. I'll write my notes and ask Mother who wrote this later.

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