Short Drabble: Imagine#8; This is it Era

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-3rd Person's Point of View-

-3rd Person's Point of View-

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-June 25, 2009-

The sound of rain hitting the outside of the house was loud, as the cold air breezed over the female lying in bed in the fetal position, clutching a familiar red shirt close to her face and chest. She inhaled the scent of the shirt reminding her of the person she loved so much whose heart no longer beat. Y/n's teardrops fell like the raindrops outside, it's like the weather felt how she felt just like the rest of the world.

Y/n just lay there crying clutching Michael's shirt just the mere thought of him made her cry even more. She felt so weak and broken not even having the energy to move, the person she loved so much and had loved for thirty-five years was gone.

The Female looked back on all the times they were together while looking at old pictures from when they were young to older. Y/n heard her phone start to ring making her look at the ID seeing it was Katherine. She grabbed the phone and answered her voice shaky and sad.

"H-Hello," said Y/n

"Hey dear, how are you holding up?" said Katherine her tone gentle and soft

"I-I I'm not good Mama Kat, I miss him so much," said Y/n breaking down and crying

"I know sweetheart, I know, but you've got to stay strong for your kids they need you more now than ever," said Katherine staying strong but she could hear the sadness in her voice

"I know Mama I'm to go check on them now, I'll call you back later okay," said Y/n

"Alright dear goodbye," said Katherine

Y/n hung the phone up before taking a deep breath and rising from her bed, then heading out of her bedroom and to the living room. She walked down the stairs looking over she could see her kids all on the couch crying and holding each other. The sight made her choke up but she stayed strong and continued Down the stairs. Y/n reached the bottom and stepped into the middle of the living room catching their attention.

"Umm, I know this is a very sad time for all of us. I've been keeping myself away from you guys by grieving alone, and leaving you guys alone when I should be with you all mourning, not only did I lose my husband but you guys lost your father. I believe we should be together during this time and find the strength to continue not allowing for Michael, but for ourselves cause this isn't what he would want. Your father would want us to be happy and not mope around feeling sad," said Y/n looking at their reactions

Y/n moved to sit down on the couch and held her arms out for a hug making all her kids quickly move into her arms. They broke down crying saying they missed him which she said she did too. In time this family would heal and learn how to live through life without Michael.

Y/n felt like someone was hugging her from behind but no one was there, she smiled as tears fell down her face knowing it was Michael looking over them. Even though he was gone she could still feel his presence and warmth.

"We love you and we miss you so much Michael," said Y/n whispering under her breath

'I love and miss you all too' a voice whispered back it was so quiet anyone not listening hard enough wouldn't hear it.

The End.

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