Imagine; Bad Era #4

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-3rd person point of view-

Summary: Y/n tries to break up with Michael but it doesn't go as she planned.

Summary: Y/n tries to break up with Michael but it doesn't go as she planned

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-September 2nd, 1987- The Jackson Family Home

Y/n quickly packed her clothes after she got off the phone with Michael. The woman was tired of it all Michael barely spent time with her anymore and she couldn't remember the last time they did the deed. He even forgot their 5th anniversary that special day when they first met and went on their first date. Y/n didn't feel the love anymore or get the attention she needed for the past months, she was tired of trying to make the relationship work only to be pushed to the side or to have her feelings not reciprocated.

Y/n couldn't take it anymore no matter how much she loved Michael and would always love him but clearly, the relationship was not going to work. Y/n grabbed her belongings and shoved them into her suitcase, as she was doing this Y/n could hear the front door slam open and slam shut again.

"Y/n!Y/n!" yelled Michael who came running up the stairs and heading to where she was

Y/n was glad that the whole Jackson family wasn't home because she didn't want to have them all in her business. Michael stepped into the room in clear distress and panic his eyes were a little red signs that he had been crying. He looked at the suitcase and then at Y/n before hurrying over to her wrapping his arms around her, holding her close also burying his face into her neck.

"Please don't leave me, I'll change I promise girl just don't go, girl," said Michael mumbling into her neck softly

This hurt Y/n seeing him like this but being with Michael for so long time, Y/n now knew the tricks he would use when she was upset with him. She saw how he would manipulate her to try to get In her good graces again, but Y/n wouldn't fall for it like before no matter how much it hurt her to do so. Y/n gently grabbed both Michael's wrists firmly moved them away from her and turned to Michael looking up at him and keeping a firm look.

"I'm sorry Michael but this isn't working anymore -pointing between the both of them- you always push me aside and don't give me attention anymore. You're always working or touring then it's like you forgot I even existed. I don't even remember the last time you touched me or kissed me, if it's someone else just tell me don't lead me on-sigh- but that doesn't matter now. No matter how much I love you Michael I don't think this relationship will work anymore, I'm tired of being the only one to give just to be ignored and unloved so this is goodbye, Michael, maybe you can find someone else and won't make the same mistake you made with this one" said Y/n looking up at Michael seeing the blank look on his face after a moment she turned around going to grab her suitcase from the bed

Y/n felt herself being pulled back and quickly spun around lips crashing onto hers kissing her passionately and lustfully. The woman's eyes widened in shock and surprise as Michael wrapped his strong arms around her tightly, almost like she would disappear at any minute.

Michael let his hand roam giving her behind a squeeze making Y/n let out a low moan into the kiss.

After a while, Michael broke the kiss while looking Y/n deep in the eyes making her shiver from how intense his stare was, it made her get goosebumps all over.

"You're not leaving me Y/n, I love you too much to let you go You're mine for life girl," said Michael his hands on her waist

"Yes I am leaving Michael, as much as it hurts I'm tired of being put on hold I can't do this anymore," Said Y/n as she tried to move away from Michael

Michael's grip had become tighter on her waist and his eyes became almost pitch black as he spoke in a deeper voice his soft-speaking voice gone.

"You're not fucking leaving me, you're going to stay here in this goddamn room until you understand that" Said Michael pushing Y/n into the bed

Y/n fell face first before looking up seeing Michael shutting the door and hearing it lock from the outside. She jumped up from the bed rushing to the door and banging on it while yelling for Michael.

"MICHAEL!! Michael!! Let me out of here right fucking now!" said Y/n banging her fists against the door forgetting the rooms were soundproof

-Timeskip- 30 minutes later

Y/n gave up slowly sliding to the floor and broke down crying until she eventually got up and went and laid down on the bed crying herself to sleep.

The door unlocked and opened up revealing Michael who stepped inside closed the door and locked it behind him. Michael moved over to the bed looking down at Y/n seeing the dried tears on her face. It broke his heart knowing he hurt her but it was for her good and their love.

Michael leaned down placing a kiss on her forehead before whispering into her ear.

"I'm sorry baby girl I hope you can forgive me one day, I'm doing this for us and our love," said Michael moving away and around the bed

He moved the suitcase going to unpack everything and putting them back where they were originally. Soon Michael would move them into their own home which was being built and almost complete. He couldn't wait the sooner they moved they could focus on starting a family like he always wanted with her.

Michael got into bed next to Y/n wrapping his arms around her and getting comfortable before nodding off himself.

The End.

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