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Prompt the wedding night/morning after

After a long but amazing night, the two made their way home after saying goodbye to their family and friends and lots of congratulations they drove home hand in hand


they made their way up to the loft " I should carry you over the threshold." Carlos said, "Yeah that's not happening." Tk laughed " wanna bet ." Carlos laughed as the door opened before Tk could even step in Carlos picked him up "Put me down !" Tk laughed " told you ." Carlos teased putting Tk down " jerk ." Tk smiled as Carlos kissed Tk mmjTk wrapped his arms around Carlos's neck "as Carlos pulled Tk closer by his waist

We got married," TK whispers before smiling into another hot steamy kiss
Carlos' smile widens. "Yes, we did."
You my husband ." Tk smiles " And you mine

" I never thought - I never thought we'd get to today a few years ago if I knew that today happened I would have laughed because I never thought- I never thought you were possible,"  Carlos said tearing up

" I love you so much .." Tk smiled wiping Carlos's tears  "And I will spend the rest of my life showing you that," Tk whispered


They spend time in their foyer just tasting each other and dealing with each other Tk can't believe how wrong he is he thought he and Alex were meant to be - how could he have been so wrong

Carlos told him every day how beautiful he was not because he knew Tk needed it but because Carlos believed it and he knew that Tk deserved to hear it  he told him he was a beautiful day although his body was covered with scars  most self-induced he told him he was a miracle every day even though he had so many mental battles that he let spill out

"Stay with me," Carlos whispered into Tk's ear knowing he was in his head  Carlos pushed off Tk's coat not minding that it landed on the floor

His hands move down to Tk's ass cupping it as Tk's hands traveled through his curls His thigh pushes against Carlos' groin he could feel him starting to get hard through his tuxedo

"Can I see you?" Carlos asked politely as he took a breath from kissing Tk's neck " I'm yours I've always been yours ." Tk says " I have a little surprise for you.." Tk smiled "Bedroom now ." Carlos demanded from there Carlos anxiously unbuttoned his shirt before unbuttoning his pants where he saw the tip of white lace panties

"You so fucking beautiful it blows my mind ."  Carlos teases "Let me ." Tk said as he started to undo Carlos's pants the bulging erection was clear through Carlos's boxers

To pulls Carlos's boxers down before stroking Carlos a few times lightly " Tk -" Carlos breathes out Tk just smiles before getting on his knees before taking Carlos into his mouth he swirls his younger around the way that drives Carlos crazy and he knows it as the grip on his hair gets stronger.  he sinks lower and deeper letting saliva gather in his mouth before he sucks

"Fuck Tyler..."Carlos moans Tk sucks slowly
"Tk.." Carlos calls "Baby look at you god your so fucking gorgeous..." Carlos says as he helps TK up from the floor Carlos steps fully out of his pants and crawls up the bed, kissing TK's skin as he goes. " I can believe you are wearing this you look so fucking hot mi Amor.." Carlos said as he rims the edges of the white panties TK lets out a soft whimper as Carlos' lips pass over his cock again.

They have had sex before but tonight tonight felt different... It felt like heaven

" I've got you baby.." Carlos says as his hands travel through Carlos's messy curls Tk loved it when Carlos let his curls run free luckily the gel wasn't able to contain them for the whole  reception
Please," TK breathes needily arching his body up against Carlos'.
You're so pretty in this," Carlos whispers "Did you buy this just for me ?" Carlos asked, " just for you papi.." Tk breathed out "I want to make love to you while you're wearing it. Can I?." TK nods,

"So beautiful when you're like this, cariño," Carlos whispers, He pulls his hand away, causing another whine to slip from TK's lips but it's just long enough for Carlos to lube up his fingers and bring them back. TK feels him rub his finger around the rim a couple of times, slicking him up before pushing just one into him.

TK's body arches into the touch, rocking down onto the finger in an attempt to get more. He touches him with such care

Carlos searches his face he starts to pump his fingers again, fingers curling and searching until the tips brush against TK's prostate. "Baby, right there."TK's breath is knocked out of him as he feels his body stretch to accommodate Carlos' thick cock. Carlos goes slowly, pushing forward inch by inch until his hips are flush against TK's ass and his cock is buried inside of him

Carlos moves slowly, filling TK on long, deep thrusts, their bodies sliding together in a way that feels as old as time but brand new all at once. The lace moves against TK's skin, stretching and rubbing,

Carlos rocks into him, kissing him so deeply that TK can barely think.

Baby," TK breathes, holding on tight as he's rocked into the mattress.
"Tell me what you're feeling," Carlos requests, his voice smooth and rough at the same time.
"Use your word, my love ."
"Just you always you," TK answers. Carlos' strong hand holds his hip, holds him steady as he thrusts into him, and TK cries out as his back arches. "Right there."

"That's it?" Carlos asks.

"Yeah, yes, just right there. Fuck, that feels so fucking good, please don't stop Carlos."

"Right here, baby." Carlos smears a messy kiss on his lips. "Got you, always."

TK moans, a pitiful, stuttered sound as he sees stars behind his eyes and pleasure so intense it's almost too much builds deep in his abdomen.

"God, you're fucking beautiful like this," Carlos mutters, sounding awed by it.

TK repeats his name, clinging to him,  over and over and over
You can come sweetheart." Carlos kisses his neck

and with a soft cry, he comes, driven over the edge with Carlos' cock buried deep inside him and his lips still on TK's neck.

The next morning

The sunlight shined through the loft and unlike most mornings Tk was up first he set his alarm for early in the morning so he would have enough time to get some stuff done before Carlos woke up

He got dressed quietly before heading out into the living room they leave for their honeymoon tonight which against their protest their parents booked and paid for Tk and Carlos were originally going to stay home for a few days just enjoying the bliss but their parents thought they were deserving of a much needed vacation

So Tk threw a load of wash in the washer including their tux from last night he wiped down the counters and started the dishes before wiping out the mop he knew Carlos would wanna leave with the house clean rather than a mess but the last thing Tk wanted his husband to do on their first full day of being newlyweds was have to clean so he took care of it right before heading out to get Carlos's favorite breakfast from Tia lucy

Strawberry Nutella crepes with berries

He picked up coffee for them both Carlos's black which TK still believed was a crime and tks iced matcha latte

Once he was home he had just enough time to switch the wash over to the dryer and plate the food before he heard Carlos stirring he slid open the doors to the bedroom quietly before placing the tray on the nightstand he crawled into bed before intertwining his fingers in Carlos's curls

"Mmm." Carlos mumbled against tks touch before he knew it Carlos was peaking his eyes open slowly "Hi husband..." Carlos mumbled before laying his head on his lap

"Hi ." Tk couldn't help but smile rubbing Carlos's back "What's that smell did you cook ?" Carlos asked looking up at Tk "Funny you think I could ever cook ." Tk laughed

"I got you a surprise ." Tk grinned before getting off the bed "Sit up and close your eyes ." Tk ordered

Carlos obeyed and then Tk placed a tray on his lap "open ."  Tk said, "Baby when did you do this..?" Carlos said, "This morning I wanted to surprise you ." Tk smiled "Thank you baby I love it ." Carlos said

Tk laid his head on Carlos's shoulder " I can't wait to spend forever with you ." Carlos said softly before planning a kiss on his head " I love you so much ."  Tk said holding Carlos's hand "And you better bring your panties on our honeymoon ." Carlos teased

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