How do i say goodbye cause this one means forever -

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Prompt by me / post 3x07 after Tk find out that his mother has been killed

Tk had been through a lot within the past year and a half

He had been shot, got severe hypothermia, he was in a coma after both incidents

He and Carlos's house had burnt to the ground due to an arsonist

He had been kidnapped
He had broken up with Carlos And then they got back together

All of these incidents leading to where they were now in their home that they shared with their friends things were finally starting to look up the sun was starting to come out again

That was until a phone call changed everything their friends were laughing while snacking in the spread as they talked about the events from that afternoon Carlos had just finished setting up catan before grabbing water for him and his boyfriend

When Tk's phone rang he checked the caller ID

It was his mom he loved when his mom called she was probably calling to update her about something Jonah had did

Tk gladly stepped away into the dining room to take the call

" Tk... I'm so sorry .." Enzo said but it was his moms called ID why was Enzo calling from his mom's phone

Carlos approached Tk holding out the water

"It's my mom-" Tk said

"Oh tell her I say hi ." Carlos smiled but when Tk's face didn't match he was confused

"She's dead -" Tk said low enough for only Carlos could hear Carlos searched for any expression for a tear a sign of fear - nothing which only made his more concerning

Tk looked around before walking to the bedroom "Baby -" Carlos said looking at Tk before Tk closed the bedroom doors he had shut Carlos out

"What's going on is he afraid that I'm gonna whoop his butt in Catan?" Nancy teased their other friends laughing at the joke "Gwynn is dead ." Carlos said as all their friend's faces showed concern

"Hey guys I think maybe we should just cancel tonight - I don't think it's a good time .." Carlos said swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat but the fear he had for Tk only grew

"No of course just - let us know if he needs anything okay ?" Marjan said, "Please take care of him he's my little brother ." Nancy said hugging Carlos "Yeah." Carlos said nodding at them

After they left Carlos came to their bedroom door "Baby can I come in ?" Carlos said softly knocking Tk didn't respond

Carlos slid the doors open Tk was just sitting there on the edge of the bed " She was hit by a bike - she cracked her head open and bled out internally.." Tk mumbled "Baby -" Carlos said wrapping his hands around Tk and pulling him in
" I'm so sorry this happened," Carlos said

" you know she called me the yesterday day ." Tk said, "And I didn't pick up - how could I not have picked up." Tk said

" sweetheart this isn't your fault - please tell me you know that," Carlos whispered into Tk's ear

" I missed the last chance to get all to her - what kinda son does that make me," Tk said with a sad laugh

" I can't even tell you the last time I went to visit her in New York -" Tk said looking at the wall "People were busy baby that's not your fault," Carlos said
Tk took a deep breath before unwrapping himself from Carlos's arms

" I'm gonna go ." Tk said before grabbing his coat Tk it is almost ten where are you going ?" Carlos said following Tk " I don't know I just - I can't be here right now -." Tk said

"I can come ." Carlos said "Babe - I need to do this myself ." Tk said, "I'll text you ." Tk said before kissing Carlos's cheek "You should get some sleep ." Tk said before leaving

Tk was dying inside it would all come up to the surface but Tk choose to shove it down as far as possible before it all flooded over somehow he ended up at his dad's door when Owen opened it he had his arms open for Tk

Tk pushed down tears as his father took him into his arms "I'm right here buddy ." Owen said rubbing Tk's back

Tk made sure to text Carlos that he's been spending the night at his dad's place as he sipped in the tea that his dad made him "Son if you wanna talk about it -" Owen said

" I'm sorry that I'm a crappy son ." Tk said looking at his dad "Son-" Owen said, "That's not true and your mother would agree with me which is something that doesn't happen often ." Owen said

" she called me yesterday and I didn't pick up I didn't even get a chance to talk to her before -" Tk said "What about baby Jonah - he's not gonna have a mom in his life who's gonna take him to go dim sum -" Tk said rubbing his face " his big brother will if there's anyone who can teach him everything his mom would have wanted it would be you," Owen said

"I disappointed Mom so much -" Tk said as a tear fell down his cheek "Your mother was so proud of you," Owen said

The next morning Tk came back to the loft he put his coat on the rack before turning his attention to Carlos who was in the kitchen " made your favorite ." Carlos said suggesting the pancakes on the plate

Tk walked over before wrapping his hands around Carlos " I love you ." Tk said softly " km so sorry about you Mom Ty." Carlos said rubbing tks back " I can't imagine what you must be feeling ." Carlos said kissing Tk's head " I think I'm gonna go lay down for a bit.." Tk said before pulling away "What about your food ?" Carlos asked softly "mm I don't have much of an appetite - wrap it up for me ?" Tk said softly "Yeah of course... Just promise me you'll eat.." Carlos said

" I promise," Tk said

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